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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2010 in Posts

  1. Bahahaha and this coming from the cardigan-wearing, child-touching, Lady Gaga fan Ross Gordon? Hahahaha what a fucking idiot
    2 points
  2. Myspace has gone down the tubes as well. What's going on with the music player now? I click on a song, and the whole page refreshes and takes me to a new page. Why? And just about every band has spam in their comments which plays music, and is so difficult to find. The sooner Myspace completely disappears, the better, so bands will stop using it.
    1 point
  3. Yo - yeah I can provide you with the definitive answer on this. Absinthe was originally distilled in Switzerland and then France. Absinthe was traditionally drank with 1 part absinthe : 4 parts chilled water poured over a sugar cube on a perforated silver spoon. They did not set the liquor on fire. When the production ban on absinthe came into force, the distillers Paul Ricard and Pernod (who originally produced Pernod Fils absinthe) started to produce a similarly flavoured drinks named Pastis and Pernod respectively. Later these distillers merged to form Pernod-Ricard. This is the source of the Pernod we drink today. Until recently this was the closest thing to absinthe that was available. In the 1990s some drinks pertaining to be absinthe were distilled in Spain and the Czech Republic. These bore little or similarity to the original product, other than they contained wormwood. In my opinion, the closest thing to authentic absinthe currently available is produced by Ted Breaux at Jade Liqueurs. Ted is a microbiologist who spent years researching absinthe, including purchasing bottles of vintage absinthe at auctions and running them through his GC/MS machine in order to determine their composition. He has also purchased wholesale much of the equipment, including the stills used by the original manufacturers. His absinthes are meticulous recreations right down to the bottle. To all intents and purposes they are genuine authentic absinthe. The story is very interesting. To the best of my knowledge The Moorings is the only bar in Scotland currently stocking Jade Liqueurs Absinthes, although you can also purchase them on-line. You can read about Ted Breaux here, the article helps dispel as few myths: Wired 13.11: The Mystery of the Green Menace As an aside, the reason absinthe was banned was not due to any profound hallucinogenic quality (other than that which we may experience with other forms of alcohol), it was more to do with the social impact of the drink. A similar thing occurred in London approx 150 years before the banning absinthe, known as The London Gin Craze, or The London Gin Scourge, you can read about this here: Gin Craze - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Of course the next big thing is the Aberdeen Ear Bud Menace...
    1 point
  4. Hi, Modman here, very much alive and well. How else should someone refer to someone else but in the manner by which Christy did? It would be somewhat strange for him to refer to me as I or you wouldn't it now. He could have used my real name I suppose but then that would be just the same. I believe what you meant was the fact that I was talked about in the past tense. Different thing entirely. Odd comment. If you spent an entire 25 minutes reading this thread then how on earth did you come to the conclusion that I called Mingetickler Mingetickler to his face in his shop? That, I certainly did not. Furthermore it wasn't simply the bad service that vexed me in this case. It was the fact that R&B Music rendered my amp unplayable then refused to accept any liability. The fact that they attempted to further rip me off by pretending the problem (that they supposedly couldn't hear) was caused by pre-amp valves, which they went to the trouble of replacing and attempted to charge me for. It was further compounded by the fact that they insulted me instore, and didn't bother responding to my letter of complaint. Plus they refused to serve me a cream-cheese bagel and coffee when I asked for one. Cunts. I'm certainly not aware of my lauding Bruce Miller's at any stage during my posts. Your BM reference is therefore somewhat incongruous in the context of the discussion, which is, I believe, about R&B music. But feel free to start your own thread on the intrinsic problems of music stores that also sell sandwiches and hot drinks. I'm sure you'll get quite the response.
    1 point
  5. I had the same problem when this first came out and took it back to the shop where a helpful sales chappy demonstrated how to get out. You use the sonar beam that Ecco shoots (like blue semi-circle ray thing, if I remember right) and you fire it at the blue circle (should be about in the right hand side of the level?). The blue circle will start to shake after a few blasts; keep going and then it'll start spinning and eventually turn into a portal of some kind. Dive into it and it takes you to the next level. Let me know if this works.
    1 point
  6. I don't get this Celtic penalty thing. I'm not even sure exactly what the lie was? At the end of the day it wasn't a penalty, it was the right decision and Celtic won the game anyway. They should just shut the fuck up and get on with it.
    1 point
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