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Ivor cutler - beautiful cosmos


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This is one that I think Alan Cynic will be interested in.

T'was you, dear Alan, that played 'Beautiful Cosmos' by Ivor Cutler when I heard it for the first time. It was a gig that you played supporting Thomas Truax at Cafe Musa. I thought that the words were ace: 'this is our universe, cups of tea'. My fiance and I were up at the balcony and we thought 'that's us!!'

I thought that since you seem to be an Ivor Cutler fan you would be interesting in knowing that I have commissioned my mate Paul to compose a classical piece using the words from 'Beautiful Cosmos'. It will have it's debut at our wedding in a few weeks time.

If anyone is interested in hearing it, I can forward a midi file or a sibelius file to them.



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yeah I don't know if it would have been his cup of tea. I think since it is a classical piece that he would find it 'snobby' or something. Paul has done really well, he has kept the same understated feel to it, but it still has that sense of comedy.

I will see if my myspace will let me put up the midi file.

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