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[GIG] Le Reno Amps + Eric Euan + Cuddly Shark @ Cafe Drummonds


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How-doo folks...

Well after much tinkering and twittering in the studio for the past wee while we are now happy to say that the album is *ahem* almost finished. The sessions have been really productive and all the meat and bones are down for 13 songs. We're back in the studio in the beginning of April to put the finishing touches to it and mix it. Watch this space for more news on that front soon. You can actually have a looksie at some studio snaps via our myspace page now - www.myspace.com/lerenoamps.


In the meantime LRA feel the need to flex our pecs and musculars and bring you some dynamite shows! We'll be showcasing an abundance of new toons (well maybe) and a nifty selection of old-ish! These shows are all pay at the door but we advise you get down at least 5 minutes before we're due on incase of underwhelming demand;)

March 08

20: 13th Note, Glasgow (Is This Music? w/ DTTS and Northern Alliance)

22: Drummonds, Aberdeen (w/ Cuddly Shark and Eric Euan)

23: Bongo Club, Edinburgh (Scottish Hobo Society w/ Cuddly Shark)

27: Drouthy Neebors, Dundee (w/ Cuddly Shark)

28: Hootenannys, Inverness (w/ Cuddly Shark)

29: The Greenside, Leslie, Fife (w/ Cuddly Shark)


LRA are also pleased to find out we've been nominated for an Indy Music Award (whatever that is!?). What can we say, even though our mantle-pieces are already bulging with prestigious accolades there's always room for one more or god willing just one, really anything, whatever's going we'll take it! Personally I think we're quids in for Best Dressed. Anyhoo we'd be awfa chuffed if you voted for us by following this link,



Anyhoo that's your lot for the mo, would be really cool to see y'all at our first shows of 2008!






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