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Tokai Firebird For Sale

Al Coholic

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For sale my Tokai FB-45 Firebird.

Korean, not Chinese (like they do nowadays). Reviews here.

About two years old, gigged but in very good conditions.

One small issue: i moved the strap knob thingy from the side to the back. Much better balance that way. Unfortunately the first screw that went in broke off, so a bit of a messy job. As a result however, you get a bargain: selling for gbp 150 (newprice is 300 online .... or probably more like 400 in R&B)



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is there a case too? or just the guitar?

Hi Karl

Good question - cases for Firebirds are a bit of a problem.

I have a Hiscox Precision bass case, it fits in there nicely after i removed a little bit off padding in one corner. I will sell the case for 30 pounds with the Firebird if needed.



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