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Planet X / Nibiru theory


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I first heard about this a few years ago and read quite a lot about it, and I was just reminded of it today. Is anyone else familiar with the theories and what do you think of it? If you're not familiar with it, it's something like this - keep in mind I haven't read about this in a while so I'm fairly rusty on it.

There's an extra planet (Nibiru) in the solar system than on a elipsical orbit, and only passes by every 2600 years. It's a big fucker, 20 times the size of Jupiter, and is inhabited by a race called the Annunaki, a supremely advanced race. During one of it's orbits, it crashed into the Earth, splitting the planet in half and creating the continents, and the planet we know today. Around this time, the Annunaki visited Earth to mine some raw materials, and, depending on what you read, either created man, or discovered the planet to be inhabited my a primitive race (us). They mined what they wanted and left us with some of their technology and knowledge of the stars and the solar system. THis is what was used to create the pyramids / sphnix etc, which line up exactly and point towards various stars and constellations such as Orion's belt, and explains why so much ancient art / heiroglyphics etc have pictures of flying discs in the sky etc. At some point though they came back and took all the technology back though (I can't remember why). The Sumerians kept records of all of this, and their various texts, badly translated throughout the years have become what we now call the Bible, with it's tales of Gods coming down from the heavens, and giants inhabiting the earth. This also explains the missing link as the Annunaki mixed their genes with the primates on Earth to create homo sapiens.

It's ridiculous, obviously, but it's interesting reading.

Allow me to post some links:

The basis of it:

Nibiru - Crystalinks

Some history:


Planet X, Nibiru, Ancient Astronauts, NASA, UFO's

Some of the old paintings etc:


The theorist, Zecharia Sitchin:

Zecharia Sitchin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Planet X Video Nibiru



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