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iCast - Live Internet Podcasting

Sam 45

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Came across iCast on myspace and i think they could be a good help to some aberdeen bands. They podcast over the internet - one of their main features being the 'Mysapce Top 20'. They are running these podcats for a while until they decide the ultimate top 20 songs from Myspace.

You can have your say in who gets played by joining the forums at:


I got them to play Edgar Prais (pronounced wrong) and The City Ghosts in this podcast and have thrown in votes for RHL, Copy Haho, Union of Knives and I Am A Cub Scout. They also played Stanley in the first myspace top 20 podcast.

Nice wee webiste doing good things for unsigned bands.

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  • 2 weeks later...
"podcasts" are worthless. It's just some recorded stuff available to download as an mp3. Realtime, genuinely LIVE streaming is where it's at, and this has being going on a lot longer than all this media driven ipod related fluff.

Sure, live streaming has been on the go for much longer. But which is more popular and has the bigger audiences? I think you'll find it's the podcasts.

People want to be able choose when they listen and what they can listen to. Live streaming doesn't give them that freedom.

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