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Link Wray - Rumble...


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The other day I picked up a copy of Q Magazine's "100 Greatest Guitarists"

The mag was well put together, but the title was misleading as the list was more about influential rock/pop artists with guitars than any particular "greatness" on the instrument.

Anyhoo - that's for another thread.

What interested me was the section on Link Wray, who caught my attention initially because he had an unusual name.

The article intimated that he was "the father of the overdriven guitar sound", and that he had punched holes in his speaker cones to get the broken-up, distorted sound.

It went on to talk about the instrumental track, "Rumble", his signature tune and how it was banned by some radio stations for being "threatening".

This really caught my interest, so, one mp3 download later and I have a lightbulb moment "Ahhh, that's thon tune fae Pulp Fiction". So it was straight onto www.911tabs.com and we're off.

So here's what I want you guys to do - especially if you're a Pulp Fiction fan.....

1. Put your frantic widdling aside for an hour or so

2. Download the tabs (it's a caker)

3. Crunch channel, nae too much Gain, plen-tee Reverb, Bridge P/Up (Line6 owners select the AC-30 model)

4. Put your headphones on (where possible)

5. Close your eyes and strum away

You'll instantly be transported to "Jackrabbit Slims" with Vince & Mia, 5-Dollar Shakes, Bloody as Hell Steaks, Buddly Holly Waiters and Uncomfortable Silences.

You don't even need a backing track, just play and your imagination will do the rest.



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I fookin' love Link Wray.

Surf Guitar legend. Like Dick Dale (also of Pulp Fiction fame!)

Jimi Hendrix wrote 'Laughing At Uncle Sams Dice' about Dick Dale. He did.

Dick Dale had a stroke' date=' and Jimi sang the line

' you'll never hear surf guitar again'

in the psycadelic bit.

Hmmmm..... am I a geek for knowing that?[/quote']

Well, you've gotten so mixed up there with song titles and the like, you're not a geek, just mis-informed.

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Find the person who told you those "facts" and give them a slap.

The surf music quote is from "Third Stone From The Sun". "The Stars That Play With Laughing Sam's Dice" (or STPLSD' date=' as the acronymically adept know it) is a drug song. (STP was slang for DOM (4-Methyl-2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine), standing for "Serenity, Tranquility and Peace.) No reference lyrically to Dick Dale at all.

EDIT: Also, Dick Dale was having surgery for rectal cancer and Jimi heard he had died. It wasn't a stroke.[/quote']

See, this man is a proper music geek! 8)

Dont forget though, after said surf music thang, Jimi said "Sounds like a lie to me!" which they faded out on the released version for some reason. Tis on the lovely fuzzy purple box set.

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