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New Asahara Tape.

Guest Phantomsmasher

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Guest Phantomsmasher

New Asahara tape: ''Celestial Plasty'' is now about ready for distrubution, this is a strictly limited run, as per-usual, only about 20 or so copies to be made...

Side A: Asahara (Droning noise + Power Electronics)

Side B: Datura/N.M (Solo Pedal Noise and Drone Guitar Abuse)

Think: Double Leopards, Wolf Eyes, Prurient, Facialmess, Massona ect

Cost: £1 (Trades are also good)


Give me a shout or reply if anyone is interested.


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Guest Phantomsmasher

Surely worth it.

Hah, some may disagree on that.

Finalised the recordings today, it's about 12-16 mins on the Asahara side, and 10 on the reverse.

Bumping this up to generate possible interest, hopefully some noise fans out there.

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Guest Jake Wifebeater
This will now feature an extra Asahara track' date=' very much in the drone section of our sound. I'll be carrying them about with me if I'm out. So just ask.[/quote']

If you're at Weep on Wednesday or Friday, be sure to have one on you.

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Guest Jake Wifebeater

Gave the tape a spin last night, and I enjoyed it. More atmospheric than the CDr and stuff like this gets better the more you play it. Just one thing Stu,any titles? I'm a bit of an anorak that way.

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Guest Phantomsmasher

Cheers for the feedback man, going to be going on a small equipment gathering frenzy somepoint soon, so I might do a new release by the end of the year...

The title for the Asahara side is just "Celestial Plasty", no real idea about Neale's side, I think he wanted to leave them as un-named jams.

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