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glasgow/edinburgh promoters - help needed!!


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Does any one have any contact details for any good promoters in glasgow/edinburgh, that are willing to put bands from aberdeen? we have tried a few (sending emails, messages, all sorts) but very few get back to us. Having little luck getting anything booked.

If you know of any decent ones, maybe that youv had good experience with (if your in a band), itd be ace if you could pass me their contact details.

pm me/email at




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find other bands in other cities of a similar style (or not), get chummy with them and offer them a gig in aberdeen that you organise and vice versa. you will meet people from there and if you are any good promoters may take heed

its the best way to make new touring buds or new friends on the network. myspace is perhaps one of the best things to ever happen to music in that respect

you will find few promoters who mainly book unheard of local bands form aberdeen, and where you do, they will generally be shite and half arsed.

motto for the day - DO IT YOURSELF. its not hard and the results are grand

good luck

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I have to agree with Maxi, most places in Glasgow and Edinburgh are, if not pay to play, a cut of the tickets that YOU sell. At least with a gig swap you've got a chance of covering your costs, unless you happen to know 50 people in any city willing to shell out 5/4 to come and see you.

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