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Fantastic Four PS2

Afro Droid

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Anyone given this a whirl? Did you find that it was ludicrously difficult' date=' even in 'easy' mode? Frustration.

Incidentally gaming fans - God of War rocks hard and fast. Highly recommended![/quote']

Fantastic four is awful. Your right about god of war though. Anyone after another game of a similar type to god of war could do a lot worse than to check out Ninja Gaiden on the xbox.

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You know what the singularly most shit thing about the FF is game is? When you're playing as The Human Torch, there's no facility for switching between regular-dude Johnny Storm and flaming maelstrom of super-powered heat The Human Torch with a righteous "FLAME ON!"

Where's the fun in that? They need to start catering these games for their audience: Geeks.

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