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Dream analysis.

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What's it all about?

On the purely scientific side, how advanced are they in doing this just now? I'm a firm believer that absolutely everything we do boils down to psychology eventually, so it would be logical to say that there must be some element of science in it, and not based purely on faith.

It leads on to the other question, regarding to the notion that we can predict strands of our future through our dream analysis. Again, this could boil down to psychology, if we take it in its rawest form. Is it possible that we could be so far advanced in this, sub-consciously, that we can see these things happening perhaps weeks or months before they actually occur. I mean, that if for example, you were to have a vision of your wife leaving you, in a dream, is it possible that you would know her mental state so thoroughly that you could predict things like her exact words, manner, where this would take place, the time of day and so on, and if these things were in place in the 'real' event, it could prove very similar to the individual's recollection of the dream.

Memories become clouded in the conscious mind very quickly and it would be extremely easy to mould your recollection of a dream or vision to match a real event that proceeded it, with parts 'tweaked' to the way your memory 'wants' to percieve it, i.e. as close as possible to the actual event.

This could also lead on to debating the whole issue of having a '6th sense'. This could also work on the same principle, the main operator being psychology.

It's pretty heavy stuff, probably beyond my intellect, but I'd be interested to read what the rest of you seem to think about it.


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Dreams are fascinating. Certainly Freud generalises a lot regarding his interpretations.

A lack of sleep helps to get the really fucked up vivid dreams IMHO.

I dreamt a few nights ago that I could change colour. My friends thought this was hilarious. I was shouting "blue" and I would turn like purple, it was surreal

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I do believe Dream's in some way display what "could" happen... not necessarily what 'will' happen.

I've had some horrific dreams conveying my worst fears for the people I care most about. My brother the other night had a dream that I dissapeared and was presumed dead.

I hope to hell that doesn't happen.

I have dreamed things that have happened though.... they tend to be a bit sketchy and vague and nothing really important.

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ive been havin really weird dreams recently, and today durin my weee nap i had one of the weirdest..

it included..

really fluffy baby hamster that tried to eat my finger, so i crushed it in my hand.. i can vividly feel all the bones crackin, its so strange..

thunder and lightening, with torrential downpour, and my parents hosting a cocktail party in the rain..

lightening striking my neighbours roof..

running up the side one of the huge huge huge inflatable saftey mat thing, and then being blown about by the wind whilst at the top, and then landing on the mat and boucing right back upto the top..

landing on a hill, and falling in love with a random boy that came to check how i was..

being in a house (with the new boy i was in love with) and finding that he'd rented the house for the day, and thats why different people were always walking about, and i got my foot stuck in the sink, and the hot water was on, and it melted my shoe off..

then i woke up..

but i can remember every little thing about the dream, but the only part i want to come true is the boy rescuin me bit, not the hamster, or bouncey mat, or house..

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i had a weird one last night was walking thru a corridor in a burger king or somewhere like that and there was heaps of blood on the walls and something written in it but cant remember what it was.

and i was waiting for someone to turn up because they were wanting a fight with me but they never did.

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