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Posts posted by Trikelops

  1. At least shirts don't come with metal pins in them any more. Had a few of those little buggers announce their presence a while after donning a new shirt.

    I hate tissue paper stuffed into the toes of new shoes. Why...just WHY??

  2. Have to say I loved Duma key as well and I found Cell particularly gripping. My favourites would have to be It and The Stand I suppose. The Last three have been pretty god as well, although End of Watch was the weakest of the trilogy IMO. From a Buick 8 was pretty good as was Lisey's Story. The Tommyknockers was enjoyable as was The Shining and it's amazing sequel which I can't for the life of me remember the name of! In all honesty I think he is the best author I have ever read. It is great to pick up one of his books from time to time that I haven't read in years and give it another go.

  3. I'm not really into fantasy much either, but there is something about the Dark Tower series that got to me. There are hints about some older civilisation, remains of cities etc that made me think of The Stand. Then the characters that appear in one book are the ones who disappeared in Black House. The priest and the street kids Eddie and his brother. it made me realise just what a clever writer Stephen King is, how he had all that going on in his head perhaps years before it actually came about in print.

  4. On ‎14‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 4:25 PM, Lemonade said:

    Because of my weird obsession with keeping records of everything, here's my current Stephen King reading stats:

    Novels: 27 / 36    
    Novels as Richard Bachman: 6 / 7
    Novels with Peter Straub: 0 / 2    
    Dark Tower novels: 1 / 9
    Short story collections: 6 / 11
    Non-Fiction: 0 / 4
    Novellas: 0 / 7

    Total: 40 / 76

    A man after my own heart. He's my favourite author, think I have every book he ever wrote. A couple of years ago I mistakenly thought I had read all of the Dark Tower series, then spotted Son Of Susannah in WH Smith's. So it gave me an excuse to read the whole series again so I could work that one into the sequence.

    Right now I'm reading Now and Then by Joseph Heller, more or less about his life as a kid.

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  5. It was certainly a good turn out for the first one Flaneur and your amp wasn't that bad really, haha. Certainly a good mix of players and music alike and some very tasty stuff played as well. The young lady with the leather tonsils has a terrific voice, and it was just so good to catch up with yourself and Bob again and having the pleasure of jamming with Sandy too. Look forward to the next one.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Sad times when a great wee venue like Downstairs has to close it's doors. I have played there a few times over the years and taken part in a couple of the blues jams too and always found it a great place to play with a good friendly crowd as well. Gutted for Gav and his guys after all their hard work. Here's hoping someone can pick up the pieces and get some of the gigs etc transferred.


    Thanks for the memories to all who have made this venue what it was. Shame it has to go like this.

  7. Met Joey Dunlop and carl Fogarty at the TT back in '92. Met Richard Dunn, former heavyweight boxer who fought Muhammad Ali. Richard was working as a scaffolder on the oil rig I was on at the time. Met and played support for Mud Morganfield, Muddy Waters' oldest son, back in 2010.   


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  8. I had a problem for ages with one of my basses, nearer I stood to the amp, the worse it hummed. Turned out someone I loaned the guitar to ages ago had had it in bits and missed out the wee plastic washer thingy that stops the jack socket earthing against the steel plate it is mounted on. It has taken me ages to sort this but might be worth checking if your guitar has a similar set up.

  9. Asking on behalf of a friend. Does anyone have any nackered, broken or otherwise unwanted musical stuff lying about they would be willing to donate for an artistic thing he is wanting to try. Thanks.

  10. I'm not too sure what it will be Marc, this is the first one so it will probably be a bit of a free-for-all. I do know the organiser is hoping it will be about blues and not just guitar solos of twenty minutes each, haha. It could turn out an interesting afternoon and I'm looking forward to it as well. He does some Chicago type stuff and I'm into that and country blues too. Just get there and have a good time, that's what it's about mate. I think if you can play12 bars, you won't go far wrong.

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