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Posts posted by Trikelops

  1. Well yesterday was a blinder, best jam so far in my humble opinion. Some of the regulars were no-shows but despite that there was a lot of terrific music played and not a single ego was to be witnessed. Two other really good bass players turned up too, so at least I got a break this time. Looking forward to the next one already.

  2. 1 hour ago, Adam Easy Wishes said:

    I voted 'yes' last time round, although for a long time I was convinced voting 'no' was the right way to go, in fact it was the couple of days prior to the referendum date that swayed me. Of that I am glad.

    I will still be a 'yes' unless something drastically changes between now and the date of the second referendum - and I am more convinced than ever. Scotland has its very own, and nuanced political identity which stands aside from the rUK, but cannot ever hope to allow that to flourish whilst ruled from Westminster.

    Aside from anything else, it could take actual decades for there to be any true opposition to the Tories which presents a viable alternative, and well...fuck that.

    There is a lot about the SNP that I dislike, but once Scotland has its independence its people will begin to form its own political spectrum - I guess crucially the difference is that how individuals vote will actually matter for a change.

    Well said. Scotland and even the north of England have never recovered from the Thatcher days. I read recently that Theresa May is just like Maggie, but without the warmth.

  3. Just finished Stalingrad by Antony Beevor. A pretty chilling book about the siege and then the abandonment of the German armies by Hitler. I was always one of those 'baby boomers' who thought 'Oh yeah, the war, pretty scary stuff' but this book really shocked me by the sheer brutality it portrays and the waste of human life by a couple of ego maniacs, Hitler and Stalin. The Russians lost nearly 9 million with 18 million wounded from their armed forces plus civilian losses of an estimated 18 million war dead. The Germans lost around half that number. Cannon fodder?

  4. We were told by the inspector that a lot of the problem is caused in these old properties because they were meant to 'breathe', having sash windows and fireplaces etc. Since most of us have modern sealed windows and blocked off fireplaces, any condensation, even steam from cooking, has nowhere to go so it settles on the coldest walls, the outside ones in our case. We still have problems with the kitchen and bathroom but they are due to be replaced in the next couple of years so they will do the walls at the same time.

  5. James, we had problems for years with black mould on the bottoms of our walls. (We're in an old, stone-built property) Cooncil would come and treat them with special stuff, it lasted about six months then the problem started all over again. Four years ago they ripped down the old plaster and lath and fitted Kingspan along the outside walls then put up new plasterboard etc. Never had a problem since. It is expensive I would imagine, but a long term cure.

  6. On ‎24‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 11:09 AM, TRΔNGLE TEETH said:

    It is irritating to work in an open plan office when a colleague leaves on sound notifications for their computer, especially for emails.

    Wait until he goes to the toilet, check his computer to see if he is logged in to anything like a forum or facebook, go on and confess that you (he) are gay. Buddy of mine had it done to him on a biker forum, it was hilarious.

    • Downvote 2
  7. Yorlum, I think Flaneur meant it in the context of Scottish guitarists playing slide, rather than playing slide in Scottish music. I like your description of how you play with the slide between your thumb and first finger and the guitar on your knee. I'd like to see and hear that sometime. Only person I have ever seen do it that way is the late blind guitarist Jeff Healey.

    I was lucky enough to play for about sixteen years with one of the top slide men in Scotland, Stefan Kocemba. Latterly he was using an acoustic Yamaha 12-string with a Woody pickup and nine or sometimes ten strings on it. He doubled up his strings tuned to the same pitch to give a 'thicker' sound. It seemed t work a treat.

    • Upvote 1
  8.  Johnny Winter was pretty hot on slide and some of the old blues guys like Fed McDowell had their own unique style of slide playing too.

    I played a couple of gigs at Dundee a couple of years ago with a wee Canadian guy called Jimmy C. Jimmy is just something else on guitar and a pretty good slide player as well. One of his tricks was to take a glass of booze out of someone's hand and use it to play a slide solo. Amazing wee guy.

    • Upvote 2
  9. Already got my gear looked out and raring to go for this Sunday. Full backline all ready for you, bring your instrument and/or songs along and have a great time jamming. Last one was a belter, let's make this one even better. It's got to be a good omen, Flaneur found his capo!

    • Upvote 1
  10. Finished NYPD Red by James Patterson, good of you like his stuff. I'm now started into Witch Light by Susan Fletcher. Strange book about a young witch that befriended the McDonalds prior to the Glencoe massacre.

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