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Posts posted by brettthain1

  1. I get my 'synth stuff' online. There are various synth applications you can download and use on your desktop. But yeah, it can all be done on a synthesiser keyboard. Even budget synths like MicroKorgs are extremely versatile.

    What were your motives for this post? Are you interested in experimenting with synth sounds or just curious as to how the they are achieved?

    I've also just noticed your other point about 'unique sounds'; you can achieve completely unique sounds through sampling (record audio through a mic, or your phone or whatever) then load them into a form of sampling software and fuck around with it until your heart is content.

    Basically there are tonnes of ways to create electronic music. If in doubt, just google/youtube it. You'll find out way more doing it that way than looking for opinions on here, as there are literally 1000s of youtube videos that show you how to use various forms of software/hardware.

    Cheers man, you're a star! My motives were both really! I was wondering if anybody uses any software or every single synth type sound is achieved onto one keyboard.

    I'll be looking to experiment with it later on, my band at the moment haven't got any material that a synthesiser could fit in with, if that makes sense? The sampling software sounds like the only solution on how people create synth music, it has always fascinated me how little bits of electronic music makes a song sound massive!

  2. what do you mean by 'synth stuff' is what i'm asking?

    Do you mean, 'what instruments do people use to make synth-based music'? - answer could be something like http://www.elektron.se/products/octatrack , https://www.ableton.com/ , http://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/maschine/production-systems/maschine/?content=

    or do you mean 'does anyone have any suggestions on stuff to listen to that contains synths?' - answer could be e.g. Kraftwerk or Trentemoller

    Neither, I was wondering what sort of synthesiser hardware or software people use. I've taken Kasabian for an example because there's so much electronic synth going on, I have no idea what Serge uses to get that sound!

  3. Les Paul's are my worst nightmare, they are way too heavy for a skinny c*** like myself! They look nice, though! A lot of people mention the melody makers, does anybody own one and are they fairly light? I've been so used to playing large guitars that when I pick up something around about the same size as a Les Paul, it looks like a banjo!

  4. Pwoper (sic) bands with a mod/tunes/swagger vibe.

    That and the banging on about Voxes makes me think of Ocean Colour Scene and Hurricane #1 covers. Gads....

    Sort of, I liked the sound and tone you get from vox amps. There's no change of pushing metal towards it, I know that the amp would just vomit!

    Those were my actual words... I'm a tosspot, a very nice tosspot!

  5. Oh is the VR not the Valvetronix range? My bad. I don't know much about them. I just know I've played a Valvetronix a couple of times, and I had a bad time.

    No worries! I'm sure that the VR ones are gig worthy enough. If I have about a grand laying around I'd get that 100 watt marshall stack. Or an old vox ac30, the ones the edge collects like football cards!

  6. Oh, I'll add one pedal that I've been after for a while and now I own one. It's a zvex ooh wah 2. Great pedal, I love the amount of textures you can create with an 8 step sequencer! I haven't heard anything like this before and thought it was pretty unique!

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