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Posts posted by Gladstone

  1. I do hope that Hibs and Hearts land in the same division as Rangers - it would make life hard for Rangers for sure.  I imagine Hibs being the only team capable of actually getting relegated now because they're form has absolutely nose-dived and could well get beat in the play-off if they land there.  I somehow imagine that any other SPL team would come out on top in the play-off, but you know, my predictions are fucking horrendous.


    What's the format of the play-off?  I see that they're at "QF" stage at the moment - does the Premiership team get a bye to the final, so there are 4 teams in the QF, playing two legs for an SF place, then a two-legged SF (?) for a place in the final versus Hibs/Killie/Partick?


    You say Rangers can't buy the trophy next season, but I bet they try to.  I think their strategy is win or bust really isn't it?  Throw money at it to get to the top flight in 3 seasons - if they don't get there, they'll probably go bust.  Someone was telling me that it is actually written down in their plan somewhere that they are targeting European football by 2016 and winning the title by 2018 (I may have made those years up, but it's not far off of that - if anything, the target will be sooner), which is just completely the wrong way to go about things.  They should have taken the opportunity to build up a team from scratch without being on the verge of bankruptcy the entire time.

  2. I really can't see Hibs finishing second bottom.  Looking at the league table, over the course of 6 matches, Killie would need to get 2 more points than Hibs, Ross County - 4 more points, Partick 5 more points and St. Mirren 7 more points.  All of that would have to happen before Hibs land in the play off place.  Can't see it.  They may well drop a couple of places, but they'll surely pick up some points in the last 6 matches. 





    I don't see how/why Liverpool are any worse than Chelsea or City.  It was refreshing when Chelsea and City first started challenging again (despite the fact it was just because they'd thrown millions of pounds around) and it is refreshing that Liverpool are now challenging (seriously challenging) for the title.


    It's refreshing to see Everton in with a great chance of 4th place too.  This is by far the most interesting season there's been in England for years - I think that would be devalued slightly if it finishes with Chelsea securing another title, City second and Liverpool third (and Arsenal secure the CL spot).  It would feel a bit samey.  That, and I think Mourinho is a bit of a dick, really.  I'd rather City than Chelsea.  I hope Chelsea come third.


    I'm going to stick with my prediction (that I gave my Liverpool supporting brother at the start of last week) of:


    1. Liverpool

    2. City

    3. Chelsea

    4. Everton


    6. Arsenal

    7. Spurs






    EDIT:  I just remembered that Terry Butcher jumped ship from a good thing at ICT to join Hibs.  I've never liked Terry Butcher, so hahahahaha.



  3. Good work Scootray - you're entered into Baker Hughes, right?  You aiming for the sub 50 there?


    Good luck with the Parkrun the morn Scorge - I enjoyed my first ever one last weekend!


    Training's going pretty great right now for me.  8x1k session yesterday with 90 second recoveries between reps.  Was really just looking to nail 40 minute 10k pace but all the reps came out below 4:00 (one at 3:59, the rest were 3:54-3:57).  Really didn't have to work for it either - pretty smooth and comfortable all the way through.  A really good indicator that I should be in sub 40 shape for next weekend.  Hardly any stiffness in the legs today after a pretty big workout yesterday, so the fitness is really coming through now.

  4. Don't think there's another thread on here on this topic (other than the Queen visit to Ireland thread, but this is wider than that I think).


    So - Gerry Adams got arrested in connection with the murder of Jean McConville.  I was pretty stunned when I heard that this morning on the radio - massive news.


    I know it doesn't mean he's guilty, but I'd always viewed Gerry Adams as somehow being immune to this sort of stuff.  I do remember lots of chat 20 or so years ago about him being connected to the IRA, but it seemed to boil over and I wasn't sure if that meant the rumours lacked substance somehow.  Anyway, that doesn't seem to be the case and there must be some decent evidence linking him with the murder.


    I also heard the account of Jean McConville's son, Michael, who was just 11 when his Mum was killed.  It was pretty heartbreaking to listen to and he says he knows some of the men who came in and took his Mum that night, who later gave him a good going over (despite only being 11) to cement his silence.  To this day, he has not named, and will not name the murderers to ensure him and his family are not put in any danger.


    That's a bit of a ramble without really going anywhere.  I've never really got to the bottom of what I think in relation to this whole issue.  I have very often just thought IRA=bad, but I know there's a lot more to it than that, in terms of where the uprising originated and the suppression of Catholics by the British, etc.  The British controlled media may well have put a negative spin, blaming the whole sorry mess on the IRA and that's tainted my view all along.  I do struggle when hearing the account of the likes of Michael McConville to not just think that the IRA are full of inherently bad guys - I don't know.


    There's obviously recently been the very public enquiry and apology in relation to Bloody Sunday which shows that the British Army were also culpable.


    So yeah - thoughts...?

  5. I don't have a problem with Mourinho's tactics at all either.  In fact, I never have a problem with anyone's tactics to be honest.  Like Milner says, managers are there to win games of football.


    That doesn't mean that I have to enjoy watching a very stuffy defensive "anti-football" display.  I wouldn't have called Chelsea's tactics against Liverpool anything close to anti-football though.  It was a solid, well thought out defensive display that all but nullified Liverpool's attacking threat and then hit them with a great couple of counter punches.  The break away for the second goal was almost text book.


    Don't forget that hardly any teams have managed to shut out Liverpool this season.


    All of that said - I much more enjoy watching great technical displays of passing or even better, all out, crazed attacking.  Teams that just go out and try to smash their opponents are great to watch.  Remember Man Utd a few seasons ago trashing someone about 8-0 or maybe 8-1 in the CL?  They looked invincible.  Awesome to watch.

  6. If you get a job in an office, you must closely follow etiquette as it relates to days of the week.

    1) you must complain about the fact its monday. Always.

    2) there is no widely accepted way to deal with tuesday, however you can consider expressing disbelief at the fact 'its only tuesday'

    3) wednesday shall henceforth be known as humpday

    4) thursday heralds the arrival of talk about the wknd. Going out after work on a Thursday may warrant the use of the americanised 'thirsty thursday'

    5) friday... oh friday. Consider wishing people a 'happy friday' or mentioning the fact that its friday with glee.

    6) begin dreading the week ahead on sunday morning.

    7) repeat. Forever.

    I hate that mundane office chat.  Thursday is called "Little Friday" here.  I've never heard the "humpday" one though - I don't even understand it (?).


    The weather is a constant source of mundane conversation as is the traffic.


    Some days, I'd rather just punch myself in the face than have to listen to the above nonsense.

  7. I don't like Chelsea, nor do I like Mourinho.  I thought he was funny and cool the last time at Chelsea, but he's just a bit of a knob these days.


    When it comes to using what you've got at your disposal to win games of football, he's a damn good manager.  But for a couple of bad results this season, Chelsea could easily have been leading the title race.  I know that applies to the others too, but Chelsea can't have dropped much points to the top 6 or 7, have they?


    Did he get sacked last time?  My memory has completely glossed over that little fact...!

  8. So should we not expect any privacy any more? We should always be on guard with every single thing we say or do, even in our own private homes, just incase? 


    Is that acceptable to people, as long as every now and again it outs another racist or homophobe? 

    That's not really what I'm saying to be honest.


    I find it hard to get worked up about it because I tend to not act like a dick or say offensive things in private anyway.  Things I say or do aren't going to come back to bite me on the arse.


    I'd probably think differently if I conducted myself completely differently in private, but I don't.  It's not a case of "being on guard" 24/7 - more a case of just not needing to be on guard because I don't say homophobic / racist / offensive things in private anyway.

  9. I'm sort of down the middle on a lot if this.

    Generally, if you're not a dick or don't commit crimes etc. people aren't going to invade your privacy and hold what they find against you.

    I'm such a stand up guy that I'm never in danger of this affecting me.

  10. Zing - the running this week is going great.


    After that sub 20 5k at the weekend, went out and did a tasty threshold session today.  3 x 10 minutes @ threshold pace with 90 second recoveries.


    Previously, I was doing threshold work at 6:55-7:00 per mile.  Today I ran the reps at 6:46 / 6:43 / 6:43 per mile pace.  And wasn't even tired.  I could comfortably have knocked out another 10 minute rep.


    Things are going well.


    Really think I might grab a couple of sub 40 10ks next month...

  11. If you're interested in barefoot/minimilast running - there's absolutely loads of literature out there. Some would argue that the best way to develop the strong technique you mention is to do it by running in minimilast footwear but at the same time acknowledging that you need to build up to it gradually - exactly as Chris says.

    The reason your calves will hate you is because you engage them so much more and work them loads harder instead of the cushioning in your shoes taking all of the heat. But that leads to stronger calf muscles in the long run. I would actually recommend trying them out sooner rather than later though. Even just a wee jog to the end of the street and back or something to begin with.

  12. Wow. 4 quid!!

    Be careful running in barefoot shoes - break them into your routine very gradually. If your feet/legs/body are used to the cushioning from normal running shoes, it will be a totally different experience/impact etc.

    I've been gradually reducing the cushioning over the past 2 years and now have a pair with zero cushioning but run 30 mins max once per week in them at the moment. I have slightly fallen arches apparently so I need to be careful of creating problems with neutral running shoes.

  13. Exactly what Chris said.


    Smashing 2 miles as fast as you can is "speedwork" really.  It will take you a long time to get any quicker without injuring yourself without adding in some longer runs.  8 minute miles is a decent lick by the way - a benchmark of sorts.


    To build on what you've already got, Chris's advice is bang on.  Try slowing down but running for longer distances.  10 minute miles would be the absolute fastest if you're top speed for 2 miles is 8 minute miles.  Don't make the mistake that pretty much everyone makes (me included!) early on of trying to run at your top speed and just increase the distance.  It's demoralising at best and leads to injury at worst.

  14. Right - if you feel faster than 23 minute shape, then you should definitely be able to crack that 50 minutes.  Possibly smash it.  Richard Keys style.  And fuck yeah - sub 50 and you'll be all over the sub 2 hour HM.


    I'm starting to wish I hadn't entered the HM at the end of May and just entered the 10k instead.  I think I could swing a swap to 10k if I could be arsed sending them a sob story.  I can't decide.  The calf injury a few weeks ago has meant building back up again and the longest run I've done since March is probably not even 8 miles.  I now don't have time to fit in any runs longer than that with Parkrun this weekend, Benromach 10k 2 weeks later, then Baker Hughes, then it's HM.  Hmmm...

  15. This is completely off topic but I've just noticed you have only 523 posts. How is that possible? You seem to post as much as me on here and I just went over 10k.

    I resigned from Ab-Music for a while so my profile is pretty new.

    I don't post that much - I have flurries then don't post for a while. More than I should though.

    EPL is exciting this year - it looked like it was going to be really tight between 3 teams but City and Chelsea fucked up last week. It could still go to any of them if Chelsea beat Liverpool. 4th place is still up for grabs though it looks less and less likely that Arsenal won't get it.

    Aberdeen's climax is still really exciting too for all the reasons in Milner's post. I think 2nd may well be wrapped up before the bit finale with Motherwell which will just make the last game of the season a big party. Maybe...

  16. Went and ran a hilly 6 miles last night at a bit below race pace and got round in 50 minutes dead (http://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/486357194). Did it to see what shape I was in before the Baker Hughes so I'm pretty happy. If I don't get under 50 mins for the 10k I'll be really pissed off.

    Good work - haven't looked at the profile etc but if you call it 'hilly' I'm sure it is actually hoorin' hilly...

    Baker Hughes is flat so surely it's on.

    How are the legs? Have a crack at Parkrun tomorrow morning and see if you can go sub 24? That would be a great indicator you're in sub 50 shape.

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