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Posts posted by Gladstone


    If you're half as smart as your predicted grades would suggest then you're going to look back at most of your posts on here in a few years time and cringe until no end. I'm only talking from experience.


    There will be a whole generation of folk when they get to my age are going to have this experience.


    I'm very glad that social media wasn't really a thing when I was a teenager.  I'm sure I talked some amount of shit back then (even more so than now!), but luckily it was confided to round the back of the school or in my mate's shed or the football changing room or whatever.

  2. Definitely more attractive than slogging it out in the Highland League, I'd say.


    The big question is, though: does he get a job in the oil as part of his contract?

    Haha - probably not.  But then, he probably doesn't need to (yet).


    I imagine they're paying decent enough wages out there.  I think Phoenix only lasted a season because they were splashing the cash on guys like Darren Mackie (who I think scored one goal in his time there - an OWN goal, and was injured for most of the season...).

  3. There's never been a left back at Pittodrie quite like Richie Byrne.

    I sold him a pair of very shit Timberland boots once.  The kind a little ned would wear.


    He's a lot smaller in real life than he looked on the football pitch.  Size 8 feet.


    You know how bad his shoe choice was when Zander Diamond was taking the piss out of him.


    Aside from that, I remember him being unbelievably terrible in a match against Rangers I was at Pittodrie for.  He took a terrible free-kick from the left back position, which he sclaffed pretty much straight to Prso - it somehow came back to Byrne, who then totally miscontrolled it and I think landed up falling over and Prso ran through and scored.  I'm pretty sure Byrne had a hand in another of Rangers' 3 goals that day too.  Bit of a useless lump really.  I always thought Scott Morrison would have been a better choice at left back than Byrne, but Calderwood loved big solid defenders, much more so than ones that could actually play football.

  4. Scootray - yes, same as Chris, got mine a couple of weeks ago.


    Chris - that's shite.  Hopefully because it's 4 days from the race it will be on its way out by the time Sunday comes.  Not ideal though.

  5. I thought it was well known that the lead singer songwriter quit because he didn't want to be famous. That song gave him one taste of the limelight and he didn't like it. He then stuck to writing songs for other people such as Ronan Keeting. Life is a Rollercoaster is one of his I believe.

    Yeah - exactly what I was about to say.  He'd been writing songs for other pop artists, then fancied having a go at one album.  Preferred to be in the background.


    What an absolute belter of a tune "Get What You Give" is - I heard that just the other day actually.  It amazes me how my brain pulls out the lyrics for these songs - I was singing along and knew just about every single word.  Having not heard it for years!

  6. Full backs seem to be a problem area not just for the Dons.  Particularly left back.  A mirror image of Logan for the left back slot would be great.


    Considine has been solid enough in there, but man is he slow! 

  7. That must surely mean that the Dons are in the hunt for another striker?  Zola can't be first back up for Rooney, can he...?


    Hopefully Logan gets signed up - he's been excellent in my opinion.

  8. When Liverpool didn't get ahead in the Chelsea game and fell back to even in the Palace game it was nice to see the return of Hollywood Gerrard.


    That's the time in his career he should be criticized for, mindlessly pinging 50 yard pass after 50 yard pass to nothing.

    Didn't see the Palace game but he was also shooting every single time he got the ball within 30 yards of the Chelsea game but showing absolutely no composure.  He was just desperately trying to make up for his earlier mistake / be the hero.


    To be fair, Gerrard has been a huge player for Liverpool over the seasons but a lot of what that article says is quite interesting - it is clearly over the top though!


    I wander what would have become of Gerrard had he gone to Chelsea.

  9. Yeah.  It all happened when I knackered the ligaments in a nasty challenge on the rugby pitch.  Thought it was just my ligaments, but a few months later started getting this inflammation in my achilles.  I usually stay on top of it, but when it's not been bad in a long while I get complacent, I suppose.  It's kinda my fault, as I probably haven't been warming it up and down sufficiently.  Just gonna wait til Sunday morning, take ibuprofen, stretch and ioce it, hopefully I'll at least get through the race. 

    Is icing it pre-race a good idea?  I would have thought you need it warmed up as much as possible rather than icing it.  Nae sure like - i.e. - that isn't advice, more a question.


    Definitely ice afterwards to bring any inflammation down.


    I never really understood the cold vs heat thing until recently when I injured my calf.  I was religously applying ice but never applying heat.  Once I'd received the advice to apply heat, the calf seemed to clear up much quicker.  I think the theory goes that by applying heat, you are increasing the blood flow to that part of the body and the increased blood flow speeds up the "repair" process.  If I ever feel my calf a little bit stiffer than usual, I apply heat and it seems to be fine the next day.


    That is different to an actual "injury" though - if I properly strained my calf, I would have to go back to ice to start with to reduce the inflammation first, then go onto heat.


    I think...


    EDIT:  This is what I got for my heat pack:  http://www.firstaid4sport.co.uk/Wheat-Herbal-Heat-Pack-P8700/

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