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Posts posted by Gypsum_Fantastic

  1. Don't you find it a bit weird talking to people who work in shops I was reading a thread on Digital Spy and one big complaint from Retail workers is when people ask them where something is apparently it distracts them.


    There is that shop just off Broad Street that sells lots of stuff you should go to it before it disappears which might happen soon I can feel it.


    On another note ASDA night staff at Bridge of Dee have no people skills they think it's inconvienent to have customers in the shop.

    Do you go up to them when they are trying to work and just tell them random bus timetables and cinema times? I like to think you do.

    • Upvote 6
  2. All seems pretty standard to me. Teams not taking no for an answer and players saying they are happy. Sure you could find a few examples of players saying they are happy and then moving on a few weeks/months later.

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