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Posts posted by Gypsum_Fantastic

  1. Is this really what your brain jumps to when this problem arises?.

    It's certainly one of the few options. Keep it in your flat and stink the place out. Keep it in the hallway and stink the hallway out or shove with the rest of the bags next to the bin. What's your solution?

  2. More pedestrian gripes. I hate it when I'm crossing across a junction, assuming it is clear because no one is signalling to turn. Half way across, some last-second-indicator bombs around the corner and toots his horn because I'm crossing. My right of way, son. Should have indicated sooner, and I wouldn't have crossed. Only indicating as you go round the corner whilst I'm crossing and not before you approach the corner makes you a total turd, and will probably make me cross the road slower, on purpose. I might even stop dead and shrug at why you're beeping, if I'm feeling particularly cunty.

    This. I was walking the guy renting my flat for oil week into town and as we crossed the bus/delivery entrance into union square a man in a jag decided to turn in without indicating at all. I said "try indicating next time" and he has a massive rant at me. He said "do you just stand in the road waiting to get hit?!" also wank bag. Geek and speccy (he wore glasses) Welcome to Aberdeen. Also if you indicate as you are turning, it isn't indicating.

  3. Neil Gaiman at the Ironworks was ace. First author book reading type thing I've been too and it was very enjoyable. Got to meet him and shake his hand. Had nothing to sign though, only realized when I left I could have got him to sign my tickets!

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