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Everything posted by Kusanagi

  1. I thought this was a "less than subtle" request about where to get laid easily.. my mistake
  2. Poor Marshall lost his edge a looooong time ago. to get back on top : he needs to lose all his money, get beaten to a pulp, suffer brain damage and possibly contract ze AIDZ... by that time i reckon his patter will have improved somewhat as he'll no doubt be incandescent with rage, and therefore more likely to say stuff that genuinely entertains... i.e ...Shitztina Ag(guilera), I better switch me chairs, so I can sit next to Carson Daly and Fred Durst, so we can argue over who she gave head to first...
  3. That's the stark truth about TV these days, somehow it seems funny for two apparently straight guys to simulate queer tendencies for the benefit of an audience.. that said, about the funniest part i've seen is the Bi-Polar Disco, but then again, it was on for about 18 seconds - that doesn't save it from the shitepile for a second...
  4. What country are you living in?? Old Bob the Stabmaster will be out of the nick before the next decade is out, no one gets done with murder in Aberdeen anymore, he'll be a culpable homo-cider (Gay as in the imbiber of Strongbow) and will be out in plenty of time to celebrate his 44th Birthday by which time poor Mr Romasovs corpse is reaching that fleshy moosh stage of decomposition..
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