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Fraser Mac

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Posts posted by Fraser Mac

  1. For me it goes Tunnels 1> Tunnels 2> Drummonds for watching shows.

    but for playing Its the exact opposite, Playing drummonds is sweaty as hell, but the monitor set up is sweet, tunnels has never been unbearably sweaty IMO.

    Not that the monitors at tunnels are lacking, i just dont like them as much as drummonds,

  2. Jeepers! Do people still read that garbage?

    Last time i read it, there was an article proclaiming that guitar hero was creating a generation of metal meat heads that only listened to pantera and slipknot. and how it was a danger to society. Great magazine huh?

  3. the key is to do what you really want, not what you think you should want.

    See the post above your last one.

    I dont think your understanding why the origional post was made, hes doing the graded unit in aberdeen college,

    which involves doing a write up about setting up a studio, how you would go about doing it etc,

    As for the comments about SAE, are you even aware its an educational facility? if you look at the people that have come out of SAE and some of the work they have gone on to do, how can you say its not worth the fee's?

    These people are making a living off of somthing they love doing, and for those that havnt gone on to work in the industry, i doubt they would spend the money on the course to then realise they actually dont enjoy sound production as much as they though.

    most will be active in the music buisness in some way,

  4. Ah yes the Music Education system just keeps grinding out people there are no jobs for, SAE in Glasgow churns out 50+ a year, also Stow College, multiply by the number of population centres that have such courses, how many professional studios can this country support, nae that many. Good skills to learn for making music, not for making a living though. Personally I think you would be better spending course fees etc on your own set up, then learning how to use it well. In this field experience trumps study every time, not to mention contacts. I'm sure its at least fun, but is that worth the time and investment? Your call.

    I think you'll find that if this is for the HNC Course, then these questions will apply to a hypothetical studio and market research for it.

    As for the rest of your Statement, i disagree,

    yes there are alot less studios than sound engineers, but those with talent are going to get jobs. and those without out the ability to work well in a studio/live situation arnt going to last long.

    I think its incredibly stupid to say that if your going to SAE or Stow you should take your fees and spend it elsewere. These places are the best to move on and learn more in your field.

  5. This. Exactly this.

    You know what I really fucking hate?

    Is people telling other bands how they should go about their business. If Toxic Distortion (who I imagine this thread is aimed directly at) want to plaster their page with US TOUR DATES TBC, then let them, it isn't harming you.

    Likewise if (like in Debutant/Marionettes case above) they have a couple of spaces on a tour they've pro-actively booked, why not stick in a TBC date on the off chance that someone they've added notices it. It's by no means a good way of booking an entire tour, but Phil's proved that some gigs can happen out of it.

    Also, if a band wants to go and play gigs around the country without a CD, why does it make any difference to your life?

    Let them do things their way, if they want your advice they'll ask for it.

    Not Directed at toxic distortion. Ment for A Few Others.

  6. TBH our first 3 shows were a mini tour with To Catch A Predator,

    was ment to be Glas-Edinburgh-Falkirk-Aberdeen-Dundee,

    Edinburgh got cancelled and we got taken off the aberdeen one,

    but we only got put on that tour last minute, so it was a bitty different,

    But i would never do that sort of this this early into a bands conseption, unless it was with a band that were huge enougth to make an exeption,

  7. Know what really grinds my gears?

    Bands that put on there myspace "BOOKING TOUR" then put out a heap of bulletins saying

    "Please book us! or tell someone to book us!" and fire up a load of "TBC" dates on there gigs sections.

    You cant just put out a few bulletins and expect promoters from un and down the UK to book you. especially when you have only done 10 shows in aberdeen, most of them half full. and one in glasgow.

    Another button of mine, is when bands travel massive distance's touring, or setting up these tours and dont have any releases, fair enougth doing show in towns in glasgow, edinburgh ect.

    but touring in englands with no CD's? way to not capitalise on a new audience by giving them a demo cd, Ok you may have fun doing these shows, and your very unlikly to make any money from the tour. but you could atleast get your name out,



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