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Posts posted by berni907

  1. i had a long and hearty laugh at that one, sir.

    i'm pretty disgusted that brokencyde have fans in the first place, but enough to actually tour? it saddens me that the fans are teenagers of around my age. i suppose with those fuckwits around i can't really get annoyed at people assuming that because of my age i listen to crap music. bleh.

    by the way, there's going to be a pretty decent gig on the day before all this shite that you should go to if you have the time/money:

    June 4th @ Tunnels: Serpcio +support Hot Mangu, Shotgun Riot.

    Hot Mangu is going to be the best band there.

  2. Tacky, corny, metal rehashing. Regurgitated yet modernised glam rock attire over pitiful recycled major key guitar harmonies that have been done a million times before. Predictable "shredding" and double kick, and the br00dal chugs are completely shat on by boyband singalong choruses. It's heavy metal for children. Fucking toilet.


    Yes :princess:

  3. What's with bands that do nothing but "scream" into the microphones?

    It's sometimes depressing 'cause the music is really amazing, but their "singer" can't sing, they just scream... Must admit that sometimes screaming can sound pretty damn cool, but jeez, calm down.

    bands like "bring me the horizon" it's like... what the fuck? their singer looks like an angry baby, and for the most part, sounds like one.

    And no abuse... this is merely an observation. ?(?(?(

  4. Hey. I'm looking to do something a bit different too. alot of the bands in aberdeen are sounding the same. i'm a guitarist. my influences are satch, avenged sevenfold, 65daysofstatic, Zappa, nin etc. kinda ranges alot. yeah, if you're up for a jam or something... ?

  5. Hahaha, yeah, you either love them or hate them. I personally have been a fan since i was about 12. I wanna know your opinions, and here's mine.

    For the most part it's fucking good. they are always in drop d except for on the earliest album (which, by the way, is awful "hardcore" screamo shit) where they seemed to play drop c for some songs. They seem to be getting less "metal" as they go, but city of evil was so progressive that i was totally fucking blown away. M shadows voice can sometimes grain on you with it's nasal whininess, but hey, didn't axl roses?

    Favourite song(s) in no order:

    Second Heartbeat - Simple but creative somehow.

    Afterlife - Possibly Synysters most awesome solo ever?

    Burn it down - So catch and some really cool dual guitar harmonies.

    M.I.A - Fucking epic.

    Sidewinder - Listen to the acoustic solo's at the end. fucking epic.

    whats your opinions?

  6. what an absolute crock of shite. You put a crappy sound in then you get a crappy sound out, simple as that. Why do the guitars on the mmw sampler track sound really good? Because they spent time making sure that the tone was perfect before micing up and they knew what they wanted.

    Too many bands go into a studio with no idea of how they want their guitars to sound, they say "oh this sounds really good at home in my bedroom so it'll rawk!!11" but its actually all scooped to buggery and weedy sounding and so when the engineer mics up their amp it sounds ding. Is this the engineers fault?

    If you are going in on the cheap (which many bands do and get perfectly good results) then make sure you make it clear to the engineer at the time that there is a problem as they'll be more than happy to try to sort it for you. Don't wait until other people start telling you it doesn't sound good and then moan about the studio on a message board.

    Spend the time in the studio getting the sound you want and get it right when it matters, before its up on an internet message board getting criticism for a terrible guitar sound.

    haha, fucking told!

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