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Posts posted by TelecasterSam

  1. Oi, cunt, why dont you fuck off and die?

    Im sick of your abuse, you racist twat. You're obviously disliked, because you come out with shit constantly. You dont even know me, side from a couple of negative posts towards yoou, so fuck off.

    Middle aged man, cant even grasp the basics of the English language. Knob.

    Oh wow...nice language I must say.. your very touchy.... simmer down sweetie, simmer down...It was just a joke!.... I was laughing...stop making it so personal...

    I've NEVER abused you, btw.... and you don't know me either !

    If you can't take it, don't dish it out mate !!


  2. I realise this, normally I wouldn't care but when people do it constantly, throw things at you and lean out of their cars it pisses me off, I'm sure you understand.

    I can SEE why they would throw, shout, etc at you......

    ........ and I don't think its because your a ging-er......


  3. With regards to toilet seats - I actually don't mind if someone has left it up. What I do mind is when someone uses the last of the toilet roll and doesn't bother to replace it.

    Good point... I hate that too !

    nothing worse than sitting down starting something, then finding the roll empty..

    (cue - mad rustle in your pockets for ANY kind of paper..eeugh !)


  4. You should do stand up. You're like a male Jo Brand.

    Also I'd like to add Jo Brand and all comediennes of her ilk to my pet hates.

    I have to say...I can't stand her either! .. I think its that deadpan, boring, monotone voice of hers....that puts me off!

  5. Women.. and the toilet seat debate... UP/DOWN....

    For gods sake, does it really matter ?

    I believe I'm being considerate, by raising the seat, just in case it gets pee-ed on....

    Ladies...if its up because a guy used it last.....just put it down again for yourself... it's easy !!.... we don't ask you to raise it after you use it, for the next time we need it !.... so don't moan about us leaving it up !

    Just put the damn thing down again.... okay !!

    ....rant over.....

  6. Christ.

    This isn't the product of any PC culture. This isn't the product of our country's 'moral decay' or whatever Daily Mail phrase you want to throw at it. It's certainly not the product of a general lowering of standards. It's the product of a rather slutty girl and a boy who didn't know what the hell he was doing.

    It's a sad situation, yes, but it's an isolated incident, so whining about punishing kids and PC cultures is totally irrelevant.

    but it IS the product of our country's PC culture !, its about not teaching, proper morals, respect for yourself and others, and responsibility for your actions, if so, consequently, a story like this one. would never have occurred....sure it is just a product of "a rather slutty girl and a boy who DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL HE WAS DOING" ???

    my point exactly..... The Parents should know better and they should have taught them better too !!!

    and its hardly an isolated incident either.... its happend countless times (just not as young looking as him)..... its tragically obscene.....

    btw ....I don't read the shitting Daily Mail... actually NO dailies at all !!

  7. This whole PC brigade nonsense really annoys me. There is no 'PC brigade'. There never has been. It doesn't exist. It's just a go-to line to beef up shit blanket statements.

    Don't take offence ca_gere but....is YOUR 13 year old having/had a baby? I don't want mine doing so...

    Of course there is a PC atmosphere going on.... don't be so naive,

    or prove to us that there isn't one then !.........I wish folk would be sensible and wake up and smell the coffee......some ppl are openly hostile to the facts these days....coz they are too namby-pamby....

  8. I just had to post this statement from the comments section of that link....

    I so totally agree with this....

    ...... "Its a case of kids not fearing the repercussions, but they know there won't be any repercussions because of the PC Brigade. Kids rule these days, its sad but true. Give parents and teachers back the right to discipline, without making them out to be criminals for doing so".

    • Upvote 1
  9. Picture it in your mind...him & her having sex !!!!

    what the fuck was she thinking? (unfortunatly, THAT'S exactly what she was thinking)

    Underage sex, is underage sex, charges should be brought, to deter more of this kind of thing.... jeez, I'm appalled !

    ...and yeah, she's nay exactly a looker ....:laughing:

  10. Actually, when it comes to Pringles..(as much as I like them sometimes)... its really a bit of a cheat to call them proper crisps! (made of reconstituted potato power & flavourings and all that)

    ...they're not really traditional crisps, give me Walkers Plain anytime! :love:

  11. anyone ever tried Suhr guitars here? Been researching them a lot and possibly away to bite the bullet on a flame top from guitarguitar. the guy has assured me since i am ordering it and not trying it before i buy that if i am unhappy he will take it back and give me a full refund no probs.

    Have a word with Diesel.... he plays a great Suhr Strat...

  12. c'mon post some of your jokes, and give us all a laugh!.....

    It might be a reflection of my daft sense of humour but this made me laugh....

    A guy was driving around Dublin when he saw a sign in front of a house,

    'Talking Dog for Sale.'

    He rang the bell and the owner told him the dog was in the backyard.

    The guy went into the backyard and saw a Labrador sitting there..

    'You talk?' he asked.

    'Yes,' the Lab replied.

    'So, what's the story?'

    The Lab looked up and said, 'Well, I discovered that I could talk when I

    was pretty young. I wanted to help the government, so I told the Garda

    about my gift, and in no time at all they had me jetting from country to

    country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one

    figured a dog would be eavesdropping. I was one of their most valuable

    spies for eight years running.'

    'But the jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn't getting

    any younger so I decided to settle down. I signed up for a job at the

    airport to do some undercover security wandering near suspicious

    characters and listening in. I uncovered some incredible dealings and

    was awarded a batch of medals. I got married, had a load of puppies, and

    now I'm just retired.'

    The guy was amazed. He goes back in and asked the owner what he wanted

    for the dog.

    'Ten euros.' the man said.

    'Ten euros? This dog is amazing. Why on earth are you selling him so


    'Because he's a liar. He never did any of that shte.'

  13. 'cause he's a fucking tube.

    Brings to mind the classic anecdote involving Dustin Hoffman and Laurence Olivier on the set of Marathon Man, when Hoffman supposedly stayed up all night for days to get himself in character to which Olivier responded "My dear boy, have you tried acting?".

    Possibly apocryphal, but apt never the less. :up:

    Exactly, Bigsby...perfect example....

    couldn't agree more (brought a smile to my face)

  14. I think I read it in a guardian. Thats what's spent on a person in average in Britain up untill the age of 21. Maybe have been 200,000. But it was in that region. And I'm not claiming it as gospel.

    Christ it better not cost that... I'm a dad of two....fuck it, they wanna go to college/uni....they can pay their own way...LOL (joking)

    mind you... I wouldn't trust anything the Guardian printed anyway (bloody pseudo-intellectual leftist garbage!...ooh, that'll bring down on me the wrath of the militant fuckers on here, won't it..LOL)

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