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Clean My Wounds

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Posts posted by Clean My Wounds

  1. 29530_10150194284385594_690765593_12730853_3372420_n.jpg

    yup yup

    Orange Rockerverb 50 MKII

    Marshall JCM 800 Bass Series 4x12

    Fender Mex Telecaster

    now that is a decent rig right there..... That is the exact guitar head that I wanna get.... maybe one day I will be able to afford one lol

  2. Ideally I would like to write some really evil sounding stuff with alittle groove added to mix it up abit keep it fresh n interesting.

    Influences are electric wizard, weed eater, down, wee bitty of burzum ala Dunkelheit etc.

    Surely you mean Weedeater? no space in there mate.

    Me being picky, but surely if you want to form a doom band you should be able to spell your influences correctly...

    I will be keen to hear how you get on forming a band, as more Doom in Aberdeen can only be a good thing.

  3. 2010 is going well for gear for me so far..

    I have managed to get me hands on a Jackson Kevin Bond Rhodes and it is amazing...


    I shall be upgrading the pickups in me Epi Les Paul very soon too :-)

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