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Posts posted by Thornybank

  1. You may well find the 'twin' of this amp. Or should I say a time-shift reflection. The clue is in the date of mfxtr - 1976, the USA bicentennial. That's BI as in two as in twin. The CIA Special Sciences labs wwere able to devcelop a time resonator that was capable of locking a space field approx 2'x2'x1' in a random time shimmer - effectively a 'time reverb'.

    One of the scientists was a Telecaster fan who talked a local studio into donating a new Twin Reverb for the project. That amp now appears in constantly shifting locations, with shifts triggered when any input signal plays a Minor E chord, signalling sadness. Clearly, it came to Aberdeen due to the Yank associations with Big Oil in th evicinity.

    Be glad you didn't buy it from the original listing - it would have 'reverbed' away eventually....

  2. twin

    'Twin Reverb' refers to the 'twin sound' that leo fender invented, but never pateneted for fear that his secret would be stolen by unsrupulous manufacturers or 'those back east guys', as he put it. For Leo, anyone out past Palm Springs was 'back east'.

    In their reverb cicuit, your note is cloned and repeated after a tiny, tiny delay - effectively, you get a 'twin' note. The proces is so secret, they put a standard spring reverb tank in the amps so that the competition (and anyone working on them who deosn't know) will be fooled into thinking it is ordinary mechanical reverb. The microprocessor for the process is wrapped in tape and disguised as an optical coupler.

    The process was cracked by a chap named Innello Tellecato (In Tel to his friends) who saw its potential beyond guitar amplification and the rest is history...

    That Leo! What was he like...?!??!??!

    • Upvote 1
  3. deville

    The DeVille series are the wrold's most-hired amps.

    Touring bands go for them for their big clean at mid vol, hot drive at full tilt and ultimate pedal friendliness.

    If you are in a band with a Marshall stack, this will keep up and cut across the mix most sweetly.

    They are a big step up from the deluxe - deliver well more than the 100 dif.

    Next step down from a Twin...

    ...'n way easyliftier

  4. swap

    I may be able to do it.

    My client that does the Baguette Express fit-outs may have a work chappie up by.

    Are you able to get anywhere during the day?

    Eternal Idol is threatening to come down in early Jan.

    Mebbe PM him and check practicalities?

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