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Posts posted by Surfer_Rosa

  1. Can someone please explain this lyric to me?

    To my mind, this means one of two things:

    1. She has a massive arse, similar in size to the rear end of a truck; or

    2. When she has a shit, it resembles a truck 'dumping its load' (for want of a better phrase).

    Kindly clarify.

    Many thanks.

    1 seems more likely to cause Mr Sisqo to request that she let's him see that thong, however both scenarios could cause the fellas to be like what. What, what.
  2. The smaller Blackstar HT amps are worth a try out too, they're surprisingly good for their price. I've got the 5-watt combo, which I think sounds decent at lower volumes and I can use headphones or the direct line out for recording if I want to crank it up without getting noise complaints. I'd also be happy using it live since it can go incredibly loud and it has the option to connect it external speaker cabs.

    The OD channel is a bit uninspiring IMO, but I think the clean channel tone is really good, so mostly just use that with pedals when I need overdrive.

    The smaller HT-1 is probably more what you're after size-wise, though I think it has more basic tone controls and fewer bells and whistles like an fx loop.

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