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About Beebs

  • Birthday 12/06/1988

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  1. Dude does it hurt your back to kiss your own ass like that?! Are you sure your not a manager of a cinema - the likeness is uncanny lol I think those specialists cinemas are on the increase!
  2. You raise a good point but you wouldn't by any chance be in a managerial position at the moment would you? Because you sound just like the ones I work for you know, be optimistic, smile and up-sell their products. Wow to have a business where the sun shines 24/7, rainbows in the clouds and bunnies running about, with doves chirping wonder what thats like
  3. No there is a small option, with the bag saying 'small' on it aswell. They would probably hold the small bag and ask "is this a large?" And the sizes of drinks are really ridiculous - hats off to the person who can finish off a large coke, or otherwise called a supersize-tub of coke, in under 5 minutes
  4. And I am sure that person to whom I talk to will get annoyed with me asking the question they would have heard from 10 people already. Plus, I will actually be embarrassed with myself afterwards since the menu will probably point out that my main does in fact come with either chips or potatos ... I defy you, KimyReizeger, not to get slightly annoyed by customers repeatedly asking questions such as these. It does take a lot not to say what you are really thinking to the customers.
  5. Customers don't buy / bring their food to feed their appetites, I think they do it just to piss the Cinema off. The amount of times I've cleaned a screen with unopened Pringles or bags of sweets and half eaten large bags of popcorn is unreal - newsflash, you can either eat the shit or take them with you! Most of the general public basically leave their brains at home before coming to see a film anyway so maybe it is not their fault (!) Still fucks me off everytime when I have someone holding a bag labelled 'Regular' and they ask "Is this a small?" What?! Err ... fuck off you cock! I also don't get people's compulsive need to talk during a film. If I wanted to hear your life-story I would ask, but since I don't care, I probably won't. And it annoys me, those who can't control their bladders for 2 hours and therefore have to get up and obscure my view with their big heads. Why not go before the film starts, or after, or even better: NOT drink all of that 3 mother-bitch-supersized bucket of coke in one go now theres an idea, dammit it might just work ...
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