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Everything posted by rcalder82

  1. ha, yeah I noticed the change on your site just after I posted this! Sorry! Cant wait for this!
  2. AGP presents DEPORTEES Three Knots JJ Bull & The Dinosaurs & guests Tunnels - Sat 26 June - 7PM DOORS 14+ show Tickets 4 from Sorry TicketWeb is down for routine maintenance and One Up, Belmont Street The Deportees on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Three Knots on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads JJ Bull - Ou Sont Les Elephants available now! on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads MySpace - AGP(Jim Jones Revue - SUN 18 APRIL) - 27 - Male - UK - myspace.com/aberdeengigpromotions ________ Having caused a stir in the local scene after just their first few shows, we have been incredibly impressed so far and are delighted to announce a headline show for Deportees. Some reviews of their first shows are below... "How much did I want to see Deportees live? I'll tell you how much. After getting up at 4.50am on Friday morning to go to work, then finishing work at 4pm, and spending about 4 hours tidying and cleaning my flat, and being absolutely knackered, I got a text from one of the band members saying they were on stage at 8.45pm. I decided, rather than going home for a nice relaxing bath, that I'd go to the gig. I jumped in the car and sped into town, ditching the car at the closest legal place I could think of, and legged it to Drummonds. Having not done much exercise recently, I was almost dead by the time I got to Drummonds. I saw Captain Tom and wheezed "are Deportees on yet", "nah, man. About 10 minutes". So I nipped across to the cash machine, and back to Drummonds, saw my Aberzine colleague Lucky, headed inside, got a pint, and then waited for the magic to start. This took a good bloody half an hour! I could have strolled, taking the long way round. Stopped for a chat with a couple of beggars on Union Street, and still had time to order a pint before Deportees started. Nonetheless, I was still very excited about seeing this band. I have what can only be described as "gay love" for Eddison, and the same in equal proportions for Edgar Prais. Deportees are made up of members from both these bands, plus a couple of necessary additional members. I'd heard only good things about Deportees following their first gig that I couldn't get to due to fifteen feet of snow blocking me in. Eventually, lead singer Adam Keenan announces that they are Deportees, and song one begins. And what a start! Four way spine tinglingly amazing vocal harmony with no instruments being played, except the odd tap on a drum by Christy. Having four members of your band that can sing this well, is just plain greedy. The song eventually kicks in, and well, it's just beautiful. There's some more bravery being shown with some odd timings of the first couple of songs. No simple 4/4 timings here. I'm not even knowledgable enough to tell you what it is - it's a bit "stop/start", speeding up, slowing down, kicking in louder, etc etc. A lot of work has quite clearly gone into these songs, and there's a lot could go tits up, but the band delivers it absolutely perfectly. The solid drumming is obviously essential for this to work, and work it does - brilliantly. It's difficult to pin down and label what the Deportees offer up in terms of a genre or style. It's a bit rock, a bit country, a bit indie - it's most definitely brilliant. The highlight of the set is "Stay All Night" - again, quite difficult to describe - it builds up from a fairly quiet and innocuous start, about halfway through the band hit you with a wall of sound - it's incredible how loud the song is (without being too loud), and you can 100% imagine them doing this on a much bigger stage. At this point, Lucky turned round to me and said "I just got goosebumps", and it's easy to see why. The band wrap up their set with what Adam Keenan described as "a little country bastard", I think it was called "Let The Roses Grow" or something similar, and it was also fantastic, and a great, upbeat way to finish what is one of the best thirty minute sets of live music I've seen for quite some time. This is a band to keep a firm eye on. If these guys want to, they can really make something of this band. Already right up there with my favourite bands, after just one showing. Rating - **** (very nearly a five-star rating, but I don't want them to peak too early!) (review from Aberzine) AND "If youve read any of this blog before, youll know that when I set my mind to it I can write a bit. I enjoy writing, but I probably dont do it regularly enough, other than my football reports. So when I go along to a gig and feel absolutely compelled to write about it, you know it must have been thoroughly enjoyable. And let me tell you, thats a massive understatement. Deportees could perhaps be described as something of an Aberdeen supergroup. Take two parts Eddison (singer/guitarist Adam K and guitarist Rick), Adam Mo from 10 Easy Wishes, Edgar Prais drummer Christy and erstwhile keys player Diarmaid, add ridiculous harmonies and a few monster riffs. Spin and repeat. Theyre a bit good. This evening, theyre support to Welsh indiepop wizards (and wizardesses) The School, along with Flora Cook and the brilliantly named Allo, Darlin. Sadly a busy night of meetings and football writing meant I could only catch a little of Allo, Darlins ukelele-laden set and, the main attraction in my eyes, Deportees. If youve not seen them before, opening track First Breath of the Day provides quite an introduction. Three of the quintet unleash those harmonies,with only the merest hint of percussion to keep time, before Adam Ks powerful voice joins the fray. Its a good 75 seconds before the keys ease their way in, but when the rest of the band kicks in thirty seconds later, by God do they kick in. Although their folk and country references are there for all to see, theres nothing Deportees like more than to rock out, and theyve got the blend between those influences and the rock tendencies nailed down. After the crashing crescendo of the opening track, they launch into the rootsy reggae blast of Lover Dont Feel So Sad, and you cant help be drawn in by the beautiful somebody loves you hook. Even this early in the set, if youre not absolutely awestruck, then your soul must be with Lucifer in the seventh layer of Hell. The tight-sounding Tongue Cant Tell keeps you hooked, before Adam Mo ditches his bass in favour of the fiddle for the folk-tinged Stay The Night, but you wont hear Robbie Shepherd introducing this on a Saturday night. Theres that wall of sound again, looming large in front of you, and theres really no escaping now. The fiddle is swiftly put back down as Adam K introduces an as-yet-untitled track. This has been called Big Marching Drum One, or just Bastard, he says. Well go with Bastard. I like Bastard. I like Bastard too, Mr Keenan. Very much so. The catchy song comes to an end to rapturous applause from the respectable crowd, and Deportees launch into a brand new song. I didnt catch the name of it, but by god (yes, Im running out of superlatives and recycling them) its rocking. Massive chords and a none-too-shabby Keith Moon impersonation from Christy see to that. Alas, time flies when youre having fun and before long Adam K is crooning set closer When The Roses Bloom Again, a cover of a Woody Guthrie track with an interesting history. Just three gigs in, and theres already more than a whisper about Deportees being the best local band in years. On this showing, it wont be long before they take that crown and run with it, leaving a marker way off in the distance. Fair play to them." (Review from IamNev blog)
  3. Looking for one more suitable local for this one if anyone is interested - send me a PM Thanks Ross
  4. The Lava Experiments added to this one - cracking 5 band line up for a Saturday night - and all for just 5! get your tickets now from One Up and Sorry TicketWeb is down for routine maintenance
  5. Delighted to add In Atlanta - one of the most promising electro bands from the local area to this one. Remember cheaper tickets in advance for this one from One Up and Sorry TicketWeb is down for routine maintenance 14+ show
  6. Getting closer! A great local support line up followed by the always awesome The Foxes. Its what Thursday is made for!
  7. Wee bump! Not very far away now! Been listening to alot of this recently and seriously cant wait. Remember to get your tickets now!
  8. Tomorrow! Cannot wait. Come down early remember - 1st band 8.15pm - curfew 10.30pm
  9. This is tonight folks! 11pm 3 entry/2 b4 midnight - message me here for free entry - must recieve message by 7pm at the latest!
  10. If anyone wants guestlist for this just send me a message here. You'll also get a free entry pass if youre going to JJs album launch gig at Drummonds first.
  11. Em cant remember what they were likely to be last time so here's the times for this one 8.15-8.45pm FAREWELL SINGAPORE 9.00-9.35pm THERE WILL BE FIREWORKS 9.50-10.20pm LIONS.CHASE.TIGERS Hope that helps
  12. Saturday is fast approaching! Tickets still on sale from One Up and Welcome to TicketWeb! and will be on sale at the door on Sat. This is going to be brilliant!
  13. tomorrow night - 7pm doors... 7.30-8pm THE FORM 8.15-8.45pm - HEADLIGHT 9-9.30pm - RIGHT HAND LEFT 9.50pm - A GENUINE FREAKSHOW tickets available until 12 noon from One Up and Welcome to TicketWeb! Also available on the door at night.
  14. This will be awesome...and dont forget to come to the aftershow party at Tunnels. Myself and JJ djing at our clubnight POLAR BEAR CLUB.
  15. AGP presents BE A FAMILIAR Boycotts Farwell Singapore Tunnels - Sat 19 June - 7.30pm 14+ 5 from One Up and Welcome to TicketWeb! Be A Familiar on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Boycotts on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Farewell Singapore(Online Store Updated!) on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
  16. AGP presents CATS AND CATS AND CATS The Siegfried Sassoon Over The Wall + support Tunnels Mon 24 May 14+ show 5 from One Up and Welcome to TicketWeb! 7.30pm (same line up also at Edinburgh Sneaky Petes Tue 25 May if anyone is out of town etc) ____ Cats and Cats and Cats - BOOKING MAY TOUR-SEE BLOG on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads The Siegfried Sassoon on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Over The Wall on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads ____
  17. AGP presnts PENGUINS KILL POLAR BEARS TURNING 13 PARETO THE WHISKY WORKS Cafe Drummonds - Sun 16 May - 14+ show - 4 from One Up and Welcome to TicketWeb! 8.30PM DOORS PENGUINS KILL POLAR BEARS on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads turning 13, (single out 29th march) on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Pareto on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads THE WHISKY WORKS on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Great line up! Check them all out!
  18. Time for the 3rd monthly POLAR BEAR CLUB Come along and join the fun with the best in indie/electro/retro and alternative music from DJs Ross Calder and JJ Bull 11pm - 3am - Tunnel 1 - 3 entry (2 before midnight) Be good to see you all there!
  19. Unfortunately Debutant cant manage this date any more but on a more joyful note we have added the wonderful Loch Lomond from Portland, Oregon Loch Lomond on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads going to be a joyful night! on sale now!
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