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Posts posted by jf9tp2wd40

  1. need i say more than...

    ...all televised sport should be put on some obscure pay-per-view cable channel with porn in the ad-breaks so that the drooling, bloated, 3-fingered cross-eyed pie eating unwashed who want it can be satisfied without clogging up the airwaves and wasting licensepayers money on such completely inconsequential shit.

    if you cant see that your comment makes you a petty individual who feels the need to interject with this sort of drivel because you dont like someone's opinion, and realise that you achieve nothing except de-railing threads, then you are not a troll. you are a moron.

  2. in the last week i have been told i look like Gok Wan by complete strangers a few times... then when i decided i'd had enough and put in contact lenses, i got called russel brand by a few very drunk people in the pub... i just cant win.

    apologies for the ridiculous picture, but i couldnt find a tripod...


    i dont see either personally.

  3. Exp bouncers did indeed used to be pricks, but the staff there for the last 6 months or so have been awesome! the big guy (or 'cunt' as he has now became known to all my friends) is one of the nicest guys ever. They are pretty good at dealing with all teh problems ive seen, and i havent witnessed any punters being lobbed down the stairs recently!

    and as a bonus, a couple of them are smokers, so when your lighter breaks at the start of the night before the smoking area is full, you always get a light :D

  4. i noticed the bear straight away, but then again i counted both the white and black team because i thought it was gunna be one of thoose annoying things that are like "but how many passes did the black team make"

  5. I've been waiting for a rather long time on an updated 5D... when they started lowering the price of the 5D late last year i got excited, but aparantly nothing will be released till late on this year :down:

    im contemplating just getting the 5d, it is a an AMAZING camera, but knowing my luck they will release a mark 2 a week after i buy one, and it will have the best specs ever, and not be much more pricey

  6. yeah, i tend to send away my black and white for printing, but for developing and getting a contact sheet from true b&w film bridge street is the only place to go (though i suppose thats because its the only place in aberdeen i know that has a b&w processor)

  7. if you want to get into old cameras you should pick up a canon kit as the canon dslr's are perfectly happy with old lenses so you can pick up cheap second hand glass which works perfectly well and stick it on your shiny dslr. nikon are the same but you only get full functions on their higher end dslr's plus canon have a wider ranger of lenses(though only marginally).

    personally, i like nikon but it's really personal preference whether you go with nikon or canon.

    True, but only with lenses after a certain time, since cannon have changed their lens mount 3(?) times in the past, i know i have at least 3 different cannon SLR's that all take different mounts... if you are looking for a decent DSLR best quality for price you will get right now is the 450d i'd say.

    And as far as the canon nikon debate goes, to be honest there isnt a huge difference in the functionality of the bodies anymore (though ask a big canon or nikon enthuiast ant they will rant for hours...)

    Personally, i love canon, but i own both canon slr's and dslr's and nikon slr's and dslr's. The best thing you can do is go into jessops and ask to have a try of a few of them, they will be more than happy to take them out of the cabinets and let you take a few shots... i chose canon purely because i prefered the way it fitted in my hand.

    and as for printing, im my opinion, colin at bridge street jessops is the best. He knows his shit BIGTIME and is always happy to give you plenty of advice.


  8. aye, specsavers glasses start at 25 for the basic glasses, and go upto 125 for designer, 169 for superflex and all that shite. if you want a decent pair that look nae bad goto speccys on union street and look at the 70ish range, there are some really nice ones there. if you need a hand or dont see anything you like, ask to speak to lliam, he is the "instore merchandiser" and knows pretty much every frame they stock, or can order in.

    oh, and their prices include lenses, not just frames

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