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Red Neck Man

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Posts posted by Red Neck Man

  1. You can just imagine all those years ago, the people trying to come up with a name for a place:

    "OK everyone, gather round. Right, we need to decide on a name for this area. Anyone got any thoughts? Steve? any ideas?"

    Steve: "Erm.................I dunno, Thundergay?"

  2. Yeah I thought the ending was shit. Bauer should have killed Cheng.

    Apparently season 7 is going to be set out with L.A. and have a whole new raft of characters.

    I read this in a womens gossip magazine whilst waiting to have my hair cut :rockon:

  3. The food from the Bassment is a fair whack better and still fairly cheap.

    Have they changed their menu recently? I went in for food last week for the first time in about 6 months and didn't really see anything worth mentioning.

    Ma Camerons is my favourite place for pub food. Slains is a close second.

  4. Christ on a fucking bike. Those flashforwards totally threw me. I can't believe we're going to have to wait until next February for season 4. Gash!

    I know! they'd better have one mother of an episode to kick off S4, because a 9 month wait is just too much.

    Still, at least we know when the show will end. 3 more seasons consisiting of 16 eps each? I don't like that concept. I'd prefer 2 more big seasons.

  5. There's tons of possible outcomes though, that's what i love about Lost. It's so open to theory and almost audience participation.

    I agree. It's a shame that such a quality programme loses out on ratings to tripe like American Idol etc etc. I guess people just can't be arsed getting into a show which requires a bit of thinking.

  6. So are these people who are on the boat in fact, Dharma coming to 'take back' the island? There's a good theory kicking around that, after the purge, Dharma or The Hanso Foundation set up a plan to get re-locate the island and continue the experiments. This would explain why Ben said that the people on the boat would kill everyone on the island. They want to make sure a purge doesnt happen again once they continue the Dharma experiments.

    One thing that is annoying me though, is what exactly is Penny Widmores role now? If she isn't part of the boat team, why did Naomi have a picture of her and Desmond?

    Fuck, 9 months is too long. I'm off to watch the Lost Experience on Youtube.

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