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Red Neck Man

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Posts posted by Red Neck Man

  1. ... I have regressed to T shirts and jeans again

    That's pretty much all I wear these days. Plain t-shirts, plain jeans. I hate shopping mainly because it's so difficult to find decent, ordinary clothes. Clothes which are covered in daft symbols, writing, images, rips? no thanks!

    Bus into town, hit Markies, bus home, job done lol.

    As for the weight/fashion issue - it's all bollocks really.

    EDIT: I did however, buy a 'vintage' Kiss t-shirt a few weeks back that fits me like a glove...but I wouldn't dare wear it outdoors ;-)

  2. This weeks episode was a belter. It's taken two and half seasons, but we finally know why Locke was in a wheelchair. The scuffle when it happened just came out of nowhere. Tell me more lost, TELL ME MORE!!

    Aye agreed. Although the ending had me palm-fisting my forehead with frustration.


    There's a death next week, but fuck knows who - I reckon it's Chaaaalie

  3. I love photoshop.

    Like you, I'm finding out new things about it all the time. I shoot in nothing but RAW and the amount of things you can do is insane. Mind you, I don't like to do too much via the computer.

    The things I normally use are levels, curves and channel mixer for converting to black and white. Oh and the good ol' clone tool for getting rid of unsightly marks.

  4. A mushroom walks into a bar and sits down. The bartender says, "I'm sorry, we don't serve your kind here." The mushroom says, "Why not? I'm a fun guy!"

  5. *Apologises in advance*

    What was that band called who were a total copy of Hanson (3 brothers with longish hair), they were a UK band and were out around 1998? Anyone know (or even remember)?

    I've already determind that it's not The Moffatts.

    EDIT: If it helps, one of the songs went like "1, 2, 3, 4, 24 hours with you.. woahhhh...on a rollar coaster ride, wishing you were by my side".


  6. I think pinch harmonics should warrant a kicking out of music shops, along with playing Stairway to Heaven and being part of a group of more than 3 under 18 year olds :swearing:

    Haha, I remember me and my mates doing that years ago. I was talking to Ross from R+B a few weeks back and he calls summer time "Babysitting season" which I thought was quite funny ho ho ho.


  7. The Bobbin! sunday nights @ 8.30pm. it costs you 2 which all goes towards the prizes you can win.

    i do the quiz there. this week the rounds were general knowledge, film and tv, music, the simpsons, and porno or no no. for tie breakers to win haribo and lots of chocolate this week, i had 2 girls play gay chicken, the weatabix challenge, how many clothes can you wear, how many things can you selotape to your head, and many more.

    every week the top 10 teams get points for the league table, the eventual winner of which wins lots of stuff. if you win the quiz you get lots of drinks. during the quiz you can win pizza hut pizza delivered to your table as well. plus it's cheap in the bobbin.

    All that sounds fucking ACE!

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