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Posts posted by Murrr

  1. ' date=' post: 442258"']i don't know. bullet are bad like, but there is a different between doing a good job of shit music and a shit job of shit music... B4MV seem to be very good at churning out over-produced cheesy metal twat. saying that, i wouldn't touch'em.

    Fair enough, perhaps I didn't phrase that as well as I could have. Replace "worse" with "more nauseating," there you go :up:

  2. Oh, not really "met" as such and he isn't famous in the slightest, but I think I managed to offend Jamie Winter (when he was playing for Aberdeen) in the Bon Accord centre a year or so ago. A friend and I were passing through when we walked passed a neddy-looking bloke with a very young looking lass on his arm. My friend said to me "here, that's Jamie Winter," to which I blurted out (pretty loudly, though not on purpose) "Is it fuck, why the hell would he be seeing a fourteen year old?"

    The look he gave us... christ... :]

    I've also managed to piss off Dan Smith as well, but that was at a football match so that doesn't count.

  3. I said to my mate at half-time "this has got 0-0 written all over it," what a tit I felt at the end!

    Great result, I was hoping we might scrape a 1-0 or something, but fuck me, 4-0!? That's insane. Jimmy must've said something special at half-time.

    I thought that Hutchinson bloke had a decent game for Copenhagen but otherwise they were gash, defence in particular.

    Regarding that hooters, I actually quite liked them... it's not often we get that amount of noise at Pittodrie after all. That said, I'm not one of the unfortunate souls who had one going off in his ear every 10 seconds (I was in the South Stand).

    But yeah, excellent result. We face one of the teams that finished first now, right? That means:-




    Bayer Leverkusen




  4. I met Jonathan Edwards, he did some talk about Christianity in an RE class at school. I don't remember much of it, it was quite a while ago. In one of my dumber moments I managed to miss the chance of meeting a personal hero of mine, Sir Bobby Robson, when he was up promoting his book a couple of years ago :down:.

    I've also met Duncan Shearer and, err... Steve Tosh... gutted.

  5. Its absolute unwatchable shite anyway, I say bury it. Along with Andy Walker, Sarah-O, and Julyan Sinclair. When are they going to reliase, WE JUST WANT TO SEE THE FUCKING HIGHLIGHTS!!!! Not reams of drivel in between. Keeper keepie uppies? A 10 minute report about Killie pies? Fuck off.

    A-fucking-men. I'd much rather watch Sportscene because of all the fucking bullshit between the games in Scotsport. A bit of "analysis" is all good and well as long as the pundits know what they're talking about, but when I watch these mugs it makes me want to throw my first through the television screen.

    Stott's a bit of a cunt too.

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