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Posts posted by Murrr

  1. computer game characters, which a strict 'no lara crofts' allowed. It's easy too, if you can't think of one, go in your normal clothes, put a green diamond over your head and go as a Sim

    This. Me and a mate are going as Mario and Luigi the next time the opportunity presents itself; he's a short fat bloke, I'm a tall(ish) bloke, should go down a treat.

    If you're not feeling too creative a letter of the alphabet is an easy one, although it does give people an excuse to be lazy; at a friend's birthday recently the theme was anything beginning with the letter H, my flatmate rocked up in a Hearts shirt and his normal clothes. Rubbish!

  2. To be honest I think we'll be alright. Despite the results we have been improving recently and I can see us getting a result on Saturday. Plus Bolton's run-in gives me a lot of hope! I was absolutely delighted to see Alan Smith getting a grand total of zero minutes on the pitch as well, good call Kev. Would've liked to have seen N'Zogbia getting the nod ahead of Barton (who seems to have forgotten how to play football).

    Comparing the situation with Leeds is stupid to be honest; they were in administration, we're not, and wont be for the forseeable future. We've got an owner with almost limitless resources who has shown incredible commitment to the club by paying off a stupid amount of debt (I think it was 80 million). Of course all of our "best" players would leave and we'd be left with a squad consisting of Steve Harper, Stephen Carr, Peter Ramage and Shola Ameobi, but I just can't see us plummetting down the leagues like Leeds. That said, I'd expect us to spend at least 2-3 seasons in the Championship before coming back up again, that league's tough.

  3. Yup.

    Found HoD pretty dull personally. Hoping Thomas Mann will be better.

    Thought it was a peach myself, went on to read a book with a bunch of Conrad's short stories.

    I'm about to start Capote's "In Cold Blood," going through the classics like.

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