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Posts posted by stoney_stu

  1. You get snooty gin bastrads as well... Tanquerey, Bombay Saphire, Hendricks ...

    Actually I'm a coffee snob, I'm a real ale snob and I can identify various obscure flavours in Whisky ... Oh yeah I'm a foodie as well... I had a mini tantrum because my blow torch wouldnt work a couple of days ago when I was trying to caramelise the vanilla sugar on top of my lemon creme brulee ...

    I dont care I am what I am :)

  2. Wait, the whole rant, sidetracked rant and further extention of the rant all extended from an asumption that someone actually has coffee in their mug, is there any proof that said nutters actually have coffee in they're mugs? Who's to say its not tea.

    Or gin ?

  3. Scotland under 21s beat the Dutch 2-1 in their own back garden:


    Experts in youth coaching systems eh? Up yer orange arses. Mark Wotte was obviously the linchpin and he's ours now. £10 on us being reigning World and European Champions come 2018. The future's bright...


    We often do well at youth level... then it all goes to shit when the "youth" discover burds, booze and celebrity lifestyles...

  4. Ahh for some reason I couldnt read the other thread on my 'puter... anyway its all been said already ... just utter SHITE. Steve Earle was good... though his band look miserable, must be the lack of drink & drugs in the tour bus and that Hollie Cook was OK as well...

  5. Just watched Jools Holland prog on iPlayer... had Lou reed doing some new material with Metallica...

    Thought it was awful, is it just me or is Metallica the most overrated band ever ? Lou Reed did something good once... but this combination is less than the sum of its parts...

    blech ... :nono:

  6. Pet Hate: Self Service Checkouts ... they are shit ... please put your item in the Bag..... "Its already in the bag" .... please put your item in the Bag "ITS ALREADY IN THE FUKKIN BAG" ...aaaaaargh .... OK now you have to wait until a human checks it and ... so on ... FUKKING useless ... plus ...PLUS the robot teller's voices all grate and sound like Margaret Thatcher ... I fukking hate self checkouts

  7. The New price in a shop includes VAT (the shop does not get to keep this)

    The second hand price in a shop includes VAT (the shop does not get to keep this either)

    There is no VAT on second hand private sales (so why should it not be discounted from the value of an item ?)

    Because the retail value includes VAT.. does not matter whether the shop gets to keep the VAT or not... quite frankly I think your offer price is an insult... the reason why it should not be discounted from a private sale is the orginal buyer had to pay the VAT.

  8. I'm reading Berlin the downfall 1945, by Antony Beevor. A brutal and at time sympathetic account of the end of the Nazi regime. Its fascinating to get invidiual perspectives from the Red Army soldiers and the German soldiers as well as those higher up.

    I guess we all know a little bit about what went on, but this is a real eye opener... I will read his Stalingrad book next.

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