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Posts posted by milners

  1. Probably the very last feasible thing I would ever want to do in a record shop, if I'm honest. I don't need to be in Starbucks to enjoy and discover music. Just a straight up record shop would do nicely.

    Thing is a straight up record shop is not working and there is a lot of straight up record shops struggling now due to downloads so maybe have to think a bit different to try and save the business.

  2. How very sad to see one-up pay off a few staff today. Not good to see our local record store struggle.

    I'm maybe as guilty as most that i mostly download music :( - still its more difficult for me as i don't work in aberdeen these days and download is easier but still should pop in now and again.

  3. As others have already mentioned, if that seriously bothered you then perhaps you should think about why you actually go to gigs. Every Mogwai show I've been to there has been some kind of Celtic paraphenalia on show. Who fucking cares? I was at Hampden but couldn't have cared less once I got to the show.

    The show - moments of utter genius with a few flat bits. I've seen them play better, but overall still an amazing band.

    I thought the crowd was a bit flat. 11 year wait? Fitba come-down? Venue? Dunno...

    On the mogwai gigs i've been to ie Aberdeen and the ATP festivals i've never seen it. I thought they was taking the piss hence why i was pissed off - saying that its a good number of years since i've seen mogwai.

    Crowd was shite: why do people talk through songs why the fuck do they go.

    Now get IMP to get Gold Panda/deerhunter etc to aberdeen :up:

  4. Maple by a mile for me - never did like many aberdeen bands but Maple was fantastic. Diesel is a fantastic song i just don't understand why they didn't have success. I did also like the Needles too but not as much. We always go on about the 1 at the lemon Tree - 1 a drink/1 to get in and see music!!! Never understand why that never took off!!! But we must have watched Maple 8 or 9 times - fantasic

  5. Think my fav is Gold Panda this year and Caribou a close 2nd i think - bet there is a few i've missed out too

    Bear In Heaven - Beast Rest Forth Mouth

    Belle And Sebastian - Belle And Sebastian Write About Love

    Best Coast - Crazy For You

    Bo Ningen - Bo Ningen

    Caribou - Swim

    Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest

    Dylan LeBlanc - Paupers Field

    Edwyn Collins - Lossing Sleep

    Glasser - Ring

    Gold Panda - Lucky Shiner

    Holy Fuck - Latin

    The National - High Violet

    Smoke Fairies - through Low Light and Threes

    Teenage Fanclub - Shadows

    These New Puritans - Hidden

    Vampire Weekend - Contra

    Wild Nothing - Gemini

    Zola Jesus - Stridulum II

  6. The ATP line-up is looking amazing. Other than Pavement, I'm looking forward to The Raincoats, Broken Social Scene, Fiery Furnaces and Mission of Burma a lot.

    They've been announced as the headliners for Primavera as well, which means I'll be seeing double Pavement in May. They're playing another ludicrously good line-up with The Pixies, Wilco, Superchunk, Low and The New Pornographers.

    I'll be bankrupt by summer.

    Indeed it does look a fantastic line.

    First time i've been to an ATP festival since 2006 all because of Pavement. I'm hoping that its better than 2006 as i felt that festival was weird as a certain band got heckled and david cross too. I never thought i would see that at an ATP festival when a fair number of people wasn't interested in the music just because it was another festival. Just felt the magic had disappeared from it and didn't feel as special as the Bowlie weekender or ATP no 1 with Mogwai.

    Hopefully this is a good one but never been to Minehead so that will make it interesting and hoepfully its as good a set-up as Camber Sands.

  7. You're not wrong! AL blew me away, it was impossible not to get caught up in their tunes. Their drummer Seb made it all look so effortless, just wow.

    Thanks to IMP and Hen for having us :)

    A fantastic gig that - unbelievable stuff from them all from AL - not really into Jazz but how could you not like that sound like that - can't wait for the new album.

    Totally fantastic gig and the support wasn't bad either.

    A big thank you to IMP lot for putting that on.


  8. hardly anyone left during "you made me realise" on wednesday

    i was surprised to see them actually finish the song

    I thought the gig was excellent although couldn't hear the vocals that well but the noise was amazing. As for that song - what was the point of 20 minutes of shite which people may call art. I was fucking deaf for about 1/2hr after the gig - maybe that was their point and i did wonder why the they was handing out ear plugs.

  9. Last two albums i bought has been excellent in fact maybe the best so far this year.

    Bon Iver: For Emma, Forever ago - totally fantastic

    Portishead: Third - wow i was totally prepared to be disappointed but the album is excellent although can see it be hated by some of those that listened to their stuff in the 90's (not me though), but i'm very surprised by their new sound! 11 years since Portishead album wow what a comeback

  10. Last two albums i bought has been excellent in fact maybe the best so far this year.

    Bon Iver: For Emma, Forever ago - totally fantastic

    Portishead: Third - wow i was totally prepared to be disappointed but the album is excellent although can see it be hated by those that listened to their stuff in the 90's, but i'm very surprised by their new sound!

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