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Posts posted by paime

  1. it depends where you've been brought up i reckon. Personally im not a fan of blokes painting their fingernails black or wearing makup and im not a fan of neds either but then i reckon neds hate me and goths and probably rant about us on some underground ned web forum...

  2. Im still in favour of a guy with a 12 bore shotgun blowing the shit out of them. It could be his permanent job - he would be given the freedom of the city to hunt the little bastards. Either that or if every bakery in town puts waaaaaaay to much bicarbonate of soda in their goods then the pilaging devils will learn their lesson soon enough...

  3. A seagul once stole my burger from the downstairs kebab shop on belmont street - one of the best burger makers in town - i wasn't pleased!

    On a side note, apparently there are more of the little buggers in Aberdeen than there are people so the council are going to do a kull. Instead of shooting the the fuckers or clubbing them (like the canadians and seals) they're going to put granite eggs in their nests so they never hatch but still look and feel the same. The gulls never realise they're not real eggs and look after them forever, suckers...

  4. Iraq will never settle whilst foregin forces are still there, especially the yanks. I know a couple of people who have been on tour in Iraq and they say the americans are unbelievable - to them, everything is a terrorist suspect. If i was an Iraqy i'd be pretty pissed off with yanks killing my neighbours in 'friendly fire' instances...

  5. did anyone watch it last night? it was awesome, i dont think i can wait until next year to watch it - it starts again this Autumn in the US so i'll get one of my mates from over there to get it for me. But once again, prison break is ace.

  6. I dont want to start any controversy here, i like stovies just as much as the next guy. However, thains is much better for steak pies. I had two pies and a pint of milk on my way home the other night and it was heavenly.

    At my wedding im going to have pies from thains at the reception, champion!

  7. Some scumbag broke into my car last thursday and stole my stereo and my 6*9 speakers. The car was parked near linksfield road, did anyone else get their car broken into as well? Also, if some dodger offers to sell you his nice shiny cd player and two blue 6*9 speakers that are nicked then do let me know and i'll bust some skull!!

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