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Posts posted by davidm

  1. Anyone that can make Woods as furious as Lucky Rathen's friend managed to is a knobber on a colossal scale.

    I remember he left first and we all stood around discussing our various levels of hatred for this guy and being stunned into silence after he did donuts in the car park. What a chap.

  2. Grew up in the Shire, moved in for Uni when I was 17. I had a very varied experience in my four years there. Met some people that were fantastic to be with at the time, but looking back it seems silly that I spent so long with them.

    Anyway, moved to Edinburgh in August to do a masters degree, and when I was back over Christmas/New Year, I found that I enjoyed being in Aberdeen a lot more than I did when I was at Uni there. It's far from perfect and I couldn't move back there, but the holiday period gave me a new found appreciation of the city. Since I was there with nothing to do other than be on holiday while my girlfriend was at college/work, it let me see the place in a newer way, whether that was through just going for a walk in Scotstown Moors or having time alone in the city centre.

    having said all this, I have met some wonderful people in Aberdeen over the past few years that I really miss.

  3. Minutemen - "Double Nickels on the Dime"

    43 songs, 75 minutes. In my opinion, a completely faultless record. Every song is unique. It's just one guitar, one bass and drums, but MAN were these guys creative. Their first couple of albums and EPs have a more straight-forward (but still inventive) punk sound, but this album is light-years ahead of anything else released at the time. I like hyperbole.

    There is something for everyone on this album, I reckon. It opens up with a couple of relatively slow, but mildly technical jams... then suddenly the third song is about twice as fast, with a tremendous swing to it; then the fourth song is a darkly atmospheric piece on the guitar... then, oh you get the idea.

    Oh yeah, it's lyrically perfect as well. Well, it's three dudes in their mid 20s shouting about far-left issues around the world... maybe a bit naive, but they had a lot of soul and fire.

    They were one of the very first bands to popularise the "D.I.Y." (for lack of a better term... I'm tired!) way of working within music. I love everything about these guys. They showed that you could be a punk rock band without sounding like The Ramones or the Sex Pistols, and more importantly for everyone to be far more open minded about music. I might add more to this later.

    Still get chills watching this. R.I.P. D. Boon.

    ...I'm never going to be a music journalist, and the world is a better place for that.

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  4. Reading Michael Azerrad's "Our Band Could Be Your Life" just now. It's a chronicle of underground American music in the Reagan years. Thirteen chapters on thirteen great bands. Black Flag, Minutemen, Minor Threat, Sonic Youth, Big Black, Fugazi, Mission of Burma, Mudhoney and more. Tremendously inspiring.

  5. The best thing about seeing Battles was when they just finished playing a song, which was followed by the applause, then gradual silence, then suddenly a massive shout of "FENTON!"

    The songs were alright too, I guess!


    My favourite band at ATP was Hot Snakes. John Reis was having the time of his life, and every time a crowdsurfer was dragged out by a bouncer, he'd shout at the end of the song "Uh oh... He's going to Butlins' Jail!"

    But yeah, I saw all those bands too. They were all excellent.

  6. To expand on the flea markets/car boot sales for under 60s, I'd suggest an afternoon rummaging around some of the very well-stocked charity shops Aberdeen has to offer. I used to love doing this once a month, and I'd go home with a shoulder-satchel full of clothes I like, music that I won't find in record shops anymore, and some nice surrealist art. All of this without the need to spend more than about fifteen quid.

    It's a nice walk which will take you right up and down Union Street, Holburn Street, Denburn, George Street, and King Street. And wherever else you can find charity shops.

    I did this entire walk at least once every two weeks, and would usually go into at least one or two charity shops every couple of days. Some of them are fantastic, particularly the Oxfam bookshop on Back Wynd. Really love that place. They would sometimes have a better selection of books than smaller chain bookstores that I've been into.

    There's also the wee place on the way to the uni, can't remember for the life of me what it's called, but it looks like the guy just decided to convert his living room into a bookshop one day. One of the best places to pass a couple of hours in Aberdeen. Last time I was in, they had the best sci-fi collection I'd seen for a very long time!

    Also, The Grill. What a bar.

  7. Yeah, it's that time again. I'm not going to lie, I'm only creating this thread because I want to be a boastful bastard for the first time in my life.

    So, tell us all about your top 10 gigs of 2011. Where/when/why etc.

    Mine are:

    1) Lightning Bolt @ Valentine's: Albany, NY


    for an hour. And they closed with my favourite song of theirs. Best gig of my life.

    2) Mike Watt and the Missingmen @ Nice 'n Sleazy, Glasgow

    Bass player from my favourite band tours his third solo album. Incredible sound, tight as hell, and they did an encore of Minutemen songs, including my favourite of theirs (again!)

    3) Lady North/Paws/Min Diesel @ Snafu

    Three bands on absolutely tremendous form, tiny venue, loads of people at that stage of being drunk where the world, and everyone that inhabits it, is a wonderful thing, stage invasions, pyramids, skipping ropes, the lot. Ace.

    4) Sebadoh @ Black Cat, Washington DC

    90s indie rock heroes, played a 30 song set. Loads of mistakes, missed notes and false starts for songs... but that's what makes them all the more better for it.

    5) Les Savy Fav @ Tunnels

    A band I never thought I'd ever see live in my life, let alone in Aberdeen!

    For those who don't know of them:

    6) Take A Worm For A Walk Week/Battery Face/Prelude to the Hunt/Min Diesel @ Tunnels

    One of the best line ups in Aberdeen this year. Every band was outstanding.

    7) Joan of Arc/Hot Club de Paris @ Tunnels

    This was the last gig that I put on in Aberdeen, and it was a nice way to stop doing it. Both bands were fantastic, and after getting to go out drinking with Hot Club (who got me into countless wonderful bands, never thought that'd happen!), I then went home to my flat, where Tim Kinsella and Victor Villarreal were staying. Totally surreal, and something that'll never happen again in my life.

    8) Sebadoh @ Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh

    Essentially the same set as when I saw them in March, but a bit less fun. Still, it's Sebadoh. Wads of ace songs. Yas min.

    9) The Residents @ World Cafe, Philadelphia, PA

    Three very odd men played a series of songs about god only knows what. One of the oddest bands to ever exist, and they've been on the go for over 40 years now. A live experience that no other band can come close to.

    10) Male Bonding/History of Apple Pie/Paws @ Admiral Bar, Glasgow

    Three very fun, loud bands. They share a similar musical vibe of distorted guitars, loudQUIETloud dynamics, but they all do it in distinct ways.

    Share your stories!

  8. depends on what you look for in a city, surely? there are positives and negatives to every city. i can understand why some people like aberdeen as a city to live; it's got many things going for it! but just because i don't really like aberdeen as a place to live overall... that doesn't mean i can't criticise it! the attitude of "if you don't like it here, fuck off" isn't really the best one, imo.

    but what do i know, i live in edinburgh.

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