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Everything posted by emz-lou

  1. lets get back on topic ....panic
  2. well timson u seem to have a hint of arrogance about yourself hmmmmmmmm indeed
  3. s.o.a.d just seem to take the concept of funny lyrics just a tad to far i mean why would someone want to write lyrics with such content i bet it took them ages to figure out those lyrics *coughs* i wander if they sat and compared the sizes of each others cocks im intrigued now hey timson maybe u can help me on that one did they compare to get the lyrics for their song??????
  4. well timson how many bands do u know who have lyrics which include...........my cock is much bigger than urs and seen as u r a s.o.d fan u should surely know this
  5. I am a big fan of panic i find that the songs do have hilarious lyrics and that is what i find amusing about it it makes a change from bands talking about sugar and also my cock is much bigger than yours just to name a few..........................
  6. hmmm revenge is good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well it is for a while anyway
  7. i want to be prime minister!!!!!!! hell yeah emz xx
  8. hey maybe it was just me but do any of you guys think gary glitters sentence was way to lenient?
  9. dnt be so narrow minded timson. there may not be alot of girl rock bands in aberdeen but surley i can change that its so typical that guys only want guy bands but watch this space.........
  10. i play bass and some backing vocals and im currently needing a drummer guitarist and lead vocals interested ????? emz x
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