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Everything posted by FezMonkey

  1. Hmmm.. will catch some of it, but have to be in town by 9. How long are they on for?
  2. I really really really want one of those Chuck Norris t-shirts!
  3. BenCozine will be playing at The Tunnels on Sunday April 2nd with Anavris (from Glasgow) www.myspace.com/anavris and Deadloss Superstar www.myspace.com/deadlosssuperstar Rebecca -x-
  4. Tis true. We steal trousers. And we sacrificially slaughter endangered animal species on a nightly basis
  5. My Mum had something like this. The tea tasted like watered down crap. There's nothing like the traditional teapot for a good cuppa!
  6. This was the most entertaining gig I've been at in ages! Shame about the bad attendance though. People really missed out! Can't wait to see the SPD DVD!!!!
  7. We used to have one behind the bar at the Tunnels, but it belonged to Mike from The Cavern and he took it away! How can I be expected to run a FezMonkey night if I'm doing the door fezless?!?!? The first person to get me a fez will get into all FezMonkey nights for free forever!
  8. The new lineup for the FezMonkey night on the 24th is: Spike Pile Driver Weeping Jesus Strobing Goat That's this coming Tuesday @ The Tunnels Only 3 Doors 8pm Rebecca -x-
  9. [*]"I can turn left"- ZOOLANDER [*]"Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue" - AIRPLANE [*]What? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate the whole wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? Heck, I'm not even mad, that's amazing! - ANCHORMAN [*]TRY GETTING A RESERVATION AT DORSIA NOW YOU FUCKING STUPID BASTARD!- AMERICAN PSYCHO (?)
  10. How much are tickets? Might go along for a laugh
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