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Posts posted by kybosh

  1. I don't understand how a keyboard would blow the speakers out of an amp unless it was being played very very loud. As long as you don't drive the amp too much (which is unlikely when it's a 100w he's after) it should be fine. A keyboard would have a higher output than a guitar though so you would need to adjust your volume and settings accordingly. Similar to when you switch between low and high output guitars.


    Amps are well hardy. More so than people seem to think. I had a wee Marshall combo for years that has had every instrument imaginable ran through it and in fact Milner now uses it for playing his electric drum kit through.



    so why do people like Roland and Yamaha bother to make keyboard specific amps ?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_amplifier



  2. I'm really looking forward to this one - I've always fancied tricking my cat out with GPS or something to see what he gets up to.

    Don't look forward to it too much , BBC 2 Scotland is showing some pish about Scottish independence instead :(

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