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Posts posted by Rasputin

  1. Kl...

    yeah i thought the Usuals were good too.

    I just remembered...Neil ( the singer) he stood on ur guys table dident he? He can be a bit OTT, its wierd though because he gets really nervous before doing a gig, and panics himself...I think he then feels he has to over do it on stage....

    oh well

  2. I wouldnt call it agenda I am just trying to promote my bro's band. Here's my problem....I am biast, my brother is the guitarist, I think they are good, but i want to know whether thats me just being biased as his brother or not....get my drift. SO i simply want to know peoples opinions on them. Get ppl to go to the gigs etc. Bah its prob a complete waste of time anyway.

    Maybe ill just stop banging on about them then.

  3. I thought all the bands played really well last night at the tunnels... it was quite busy and there was a really good atmosphere, its such a great venue in my opinion.

    I was particulalry impressed with the folky kind of band which I caught the last half of...sorry I dident catch there names think they were either the running late or the holy folks. The usuals played up to there typically high standard, and I thought Lunar performed one of the best sets I have ever seen them play live.

    A really good night, we have some good local band talent in Aberdeen!:up:

  4. Yeah right Whatever ....

    I really cant be bothered with this conversation anymore and for the second time.... I am not in this band! I just like them and thought I would share my opinion of them on here.

    I dont think you know what the term 'constructive' feedback means. In fact, to be honest, with your rants and triads on this thread I think it is more likely that it is you which is the 16 year old.

  5. Thats the point

    I wouldn't have taken offence if you had just said you didn't like them. Instead you felt like you had to go on some kind of crusade, calling them dicks when you don't even know the guys in the band or their personalities. People post these music clips on this site to share their experiences of the local music scene with others who may enjoy it.

    If you make sweeping statements about the Aberdeen music scene, you should know a little bit more about it and respect people who take a lot of time and effort to write their material and perform for other people. Some people have commented at the band's gigs that their style (musically and in terms of performance) resemble such bands as Radiohead. They have also been recognised by a panel of music industry professionals who thought that they had something. I will take there opinion over yours any day.

  6. It's not a rant' date=' and personally I think in this situation it's safe enough to judge this band on the basis of this one song - and my judgement is that its banal pointless shit that means fuck all to anyone. It's the same as all the other crap being done by all the other crap bands in aberdeen made up of uninspired, uncreative, context un-aware dicks who have no serious intentions atall beyond acting out their childhood fantasies.[/quote']

    If you judged most bands on 'one song' most of the bands today would not have had any success. Your judgement of the music scene, any music scene (probably ever) seems really 'uninspired.' To me, you appear a failed musician/music critic/etc etc acting out 'childhood fantasies' where your 'banal' opinions were actually listened to. It is fair enough that you are making your own opinion on what you like and dislike, but calling a group 'dicks' and saying that they are context unaware (do you actually understand what the word 'context' means anyway?) is just a completely ignorant comment.

  7. Whatever man...you have said your piece....I am not getting into a debate about what you think is constructive....

    I am not even in this band...I tihnk they are good so i thought I would share my opinion about them on here...if you dont like them cool. I take it I wont be seeing you at there gigs then.

  8. Following News taken from there website: -


    Well lunarloons and lunarchics what a month November has been, typically the most depressing month of the year it has been a pretty exciting one for lunar.

    The big news is that after winning the BBC radio competition we headed off across the sea to Skye and spent three days recording our new demo with Steve Levine who flew up from London. We recorded at the Vital Spark studios and while they hadn't really recorded many full bands there it was a well equipped studio with the most amazing view over the desk (check out the new pictures) http://www.lunarhq.co.uk. We were there during the 90 mph gales which made things just a little more exciting !!

    They were three pretty long days but we all left happy with the sounds and Steve Levine really brought a lot of experience to the session which helped no end. In fact it's the first time I could genuinely say I've enjoyed recording.

    So we recorded the song that got us noticed " Nothing that I'm meant to be" and "California Sun". Richard rose to the challenge by playing both tracks to a click, which made the job of recording so much easier for everyone else, Ross got on quietly and coolly and got the takes in , some awesome Wah action was experienced, Steve reached new heights with some beach boy style harmonies on California Sun and my vocals were the best I've put down to date but I'm also slowly learning the trick with recording vocals and am learning new things all the time.

    So as you can probably tell we're pretty psyched about the whole thing and desperate to hear how it all sounds mixed down. So me and Steve are heading down to London next weekend to mix the songs and hopefully come home with the finished articlewe'll let you know what happens so watch this space.


    Steve levine has said he wants to ge them on BBC radio....he is quite a well connected man. Neil told me Steve Levine had some amusing stories about Simon Cowell...better not say anything here in case I get done for Slander....LOL

  9. Ha thats Neil the singer...He always likes to go for a wonder when he is singing...Mr cheese, but its funny cause he's not actually like that in real life, why do you think he wore shades!

    Anyway apart from the walking thing I thoguht they played and sang well.

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