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Graham Knight

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Posts posted by Graham Knight

  1. People often receive unsuitable books from friends as presents. May I suggest leaving this link in a prominent place perhaps on the desktop screen of their PC :D



    Perhaps you may receive other book suggestions from Aberdeen Music members.

    41mGNecW2sL._AA115_.jpgor maybe a laser light toy for you and your cat.

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  2. I have just come from a very successul show by Aberdeen Indie band - The Marionettes.

    A Wednesday may be an odd night for a gig but The Marionettes had quite a crowd for their latest show in town.

    Fresh from a week long tour tour that encompassed dates all over Scotland, the band were obviously well rehearsed and had a very appreciative audience.

    The Marionettes are a five piece band that is led by vocalist Paddy Buchan and they are fairly driven along by their pile-driving drummer - watching him play is a show in itself.

    Paddy Buchan has some good humourous linking material between numbers, even asking for a drink of Sprite halfway through. The roadie who went to get the drink was engaged in a funny bit of banter with Paddy having to produce the money to pay for it:).

    Best number of the night for me was an original composition called "Shrinking Violets".

    The whole band worked well and Paddy leapt about even more than the last time I saw them at the Lemon Tree.

    The Marionettes deserve to be playing bigger places.


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  3. Beautiful. where'd you get it from?

    It is just an ordinary male cat born on the farm across the road from me. It is four months old and is free to come and go as it pleases. After the above picture was taken it managed to get rid of the collar with the bells and now roams about Findon and brings back lots of birds and shrews which it kindly lays on the back door step. I already have one far away neighbour telling me it was "annoying" her female cat - obviously it has been reading some of the posts from Dubya.

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  4. It was 40 years ago today that the Farr Brothers, who had previously promoted the Isle of Wight show with Jimi Hendrix, organised this Rock'N'Roll show at Wembley Stadium.

    This video runs for 1hour 25 minutes and includes Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley Jerry, Little Richard and Bill Haley as well as the late Screamin' Lord Sutch. There are also some truly awful other acts but you can slide forward past them to the good bits.

    It is hard to believe it was exactly 40 years ago - seems like yesterday to me.


  5. Angry Horticulturist Crushes 7 Police Vehicles


    Police in Vermont in hot pursuit of a suspect were without wheels when their quarry, an irate farmer with a tractor, allegedly crushed nearly half the department's fleet of vehicles.

    Orleans County police say 34-year-old Roger Pion, of Newport, Vt., drove a red tractor over seven vehicles in the parking lot of the county's Sheriff's Department Thursday afternoon, flattening their quest to apprehend the suspect.

    Police inside the department's office were unaware of the destruction happening outside until they received a 911 call and heard a horn blaring outside, Chief Deputy Philip Brooks told the Burlington Free Press.

    Left with no cars, Brooks had to run to a nearby service station where another car was being worked on to try to catch Pion.

    "We had nothing to pursue him with," Chief Deputy Brooks told the paper. "It's more than half our fleet. We have 11 cars."

    Pion was caught by authorities from the rural city's police department about one mile from the Sheriff's office and arrested on 11 charges. He is being held at the Northern State Correctional Center in Newport on $15,000 bail.

    He is expected in court today to face seven counts of felony unlawful mischief, one misdemeanor count of unlawful mischief on suspicion of damaging the cars, one charge of leaving the scene of an accident, one count of grossly negligent operation and aggravated assault on Newport City police after he allegedly tried to back the tractor into a city cruiser while being pursued.

    Police say that Pion had been arrested last month by Newport city police for charges of resisting arrest and possession of marijuana.

    Pion was issued a citation in those cases and ordered to appear in Superior Court next Tuesday. He was also held overnight in jail the night of that arrest at the request of the Vermont Probation and Parole Office, according to police.

    No one was hurt in the incident but police estimated damage to the vehicles as high as $250,000.

    "We're going to have to get the jaws of life up here to pry the trunks open and see about the rifles and shotguns," Sheriff Kirk Martin told the Associated Press. "The radios are ruined."

    Newport City Police declined to comment on the case to ABC News

  6. I have just noticed these comments. Thanks guys. Maybe Dubya is right - I will have to arrange a private night at my place where I can even say things that I thought might offend the Rotary ladies to say nothing of our guardian moderators at Aberdeen Music. I could then be a bit more explicit about some after show events.

    • Upvote 2
  7. Do I need to remind you Graham that posting pictures of topless women is not allowed on the forums.... :nono:

    My apologies. I was lulled into a false sense of security by the almost daily references to masterb*t**g and the use of words like *u*t to say nothing of ***K and multiple mentions of t*ts and a**. A single pair of breasts and a lady's bare behind seem trifling by comparison.

    I think Lenny Bruce summed it up in this WARNING VERY EXPLICIT audio from 50 years ago.


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  8. As the poster belows suggests, it was a night a variety. I knew it was going to be a good night when I noticed the Moorings owner Flash mixing cocktails behind the bar with all the panache of an expert at the Ritz.

    Bigsby's alter ego, Banjo Boy, performed two George Formby numbers with some additional words while also managing to be the loudest banjo player I have ever heard. He did some good picking on a third original number that had lyrics about Bar Owner Flash and House booker Brian Fudge that are totally unsuitable to repeat on this website! The Moorings audience of course is unshockable and gave Banjo Boy a rousing reception.

    Teabags is well known here on Aberdeen Music and he is equally known as a regular in the Moorings - tonight was debut as a comedian. He started very strongly and did about 20 minutes of observational comedy that really had the crowd responding. Teabags obviously has hidden talents.

    A magician and other comedians wowed the large audience - all of whom had forsaken watching the Olymics on TV for a night of old fashioned variety.

    There were also some bizarre moments when the man with three nipples appeared, this was followed by a four-person wheelbarrow. This trend continued with 13 heated pint glasses being attached to the hapless MC's bare rear end.

    All in all it was quite a night.


  9. Oh shit! I totally forgot. Got an old friend staying with us just now and got caught up hanging out with him. Was intending on confirming and bringing him along but totally slipped my mind. Maybe next time!

    You missed the opportunity to be shocked at seeing lots of revealing pictures including the Rolling Stones in suits and ties in '63, a teenage Keith Richards waving his willy to the camera,,

    Outrageous but true stories like the one about a well-known rock'n'roller and I spending 3,000 dollars to visit an up-market house of pleasure in Amsterdam and us NOT having sex. Shaki heard some behind the scenes stories about his favourite Bruce Springsteen, and I told why I haven't spoken to Chuck for the last 40 years etc etc.

    It was good fun to watch the audience reaction to the sex and drug bits - the ladies wanted more - don't they always!

    So you and your friend missed out Dubya - maybe CU at The Moorings on Friday when Bigsby's alter ego - The Banjo Man performs along with the new comedy sensation - Teabags. Should be a good night.

  10. I Put A Spell On You - Screamin' Jay

    This is a documentary about my late friend Screamin' Jay Hawkins. It starts with Jay getting out of the coffin and he talks about his long career and it documents his last tour with many other clips from earlier times.

    I made the explosive fuse-boxes you see in the video.

  11. Aberdeen music night out at Big G's rotary club perhaps? LADS on tour! here we fucking go! here we fucking go! we should get personalised Tshirts with derogatory nicknames on the back and everything!
    Aberdeen music night out at Big G's rotary club perhaps? LADS on tour! here we fucking go! here we fucking go! we should get personalised Tshirts with derogatory nicknames on the back and everything!

    Hi Dubya,

    i have had several private messages about this - come along - you will be in good company with a number of Aberdeen Music people. And I guarantee to get you home to sunny Banchory. PM me.

  12. A few weeks ago I gave a talk entitled Sex, Drugs and Rock'n'Roll at my Rotary Club's weekly meeting at Newtonhill.

    I gave some backstage stories about Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, The Rolling Stones, Beatles, Chuck Berry, gangsters and other show business mafia types etc etc. My frankness shocked some of the members but several lady members want more (don't they always). Maybe they had all been reading "50 Shades of Gray".

    So now I am going to be even more outrageous and relate some wilder stories when I do "Sex, Drugs and Rock'n'Roll Part II" on Tuesday night at 6.30.

    You get a free meal first and the talk will be illustrated with some old photographs and videos.

    Shaki and Bigsby are going to be there and although it is a small place there is room for a few more visitors. Send me a PM if you would like to attend on Tuesday night. It should be over by 8.30 and then the real debauchery can start at my place.:)

    It gives a whole new meaning to the old fuddy duddy image of Rotary Clubs.


    Above is a picture of Jerry Lee at home. More revealing pics on Tuseday night.

  13. What's the best web hosting service?

    I've got a bunch of domains I bought a while ago and never did anything with them. I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on hosting in general.

    I have been using Fasthosts for 10 years. Excellent service and always very helpful.

    http://www.fasthosts.co.uk/?_$ja=kw:fasthosts|cgn:Fasthosts Exact|cgid:961050693|tsid:12163|cn:Fasthosts Brand|cid:29568423|lid:18361833|mt:Exact|nw:search|crid:8230871403&gclid=CIyAjsSSobECFUdvfAod3Bwwgg

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