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Graham Knight

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Posts posted by Graham Knight

  1. Simon Cowell (joker)

    Chris Moyles

    Margaret Thatcher

    Tony Bennett

    Etta James

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Nelson Mandela

    Robin Gibb


    Patrick Moore

    Billy Graham

    Robert Mugabe

    Ronnie Biggs

    Ossie Osborne

    Pat Meehan (Ossie’s former manager)

    Nancy (just say no) Reagan

    Lindsay Lohan

    P Diddy

    Bob Dole

    Jerry Lewis (the so called comedian)

  2. Well done Mr Tele! Roger was only 40 back then but he still looks the same today unlike me.

    He does a lot of good things and is a good guy altogether.

    Maybe I should have revived the "Most famousest person you've ever met" thread but I laughed out loud when I discovered this old photo of myself that was taken in 1984. I had a little more hair back then :)

    I am on the left and it was taken when a friend and I, representing my trade trade association, presented two Variety Club Sunshine Coaches to a school for pupils with severe handicaps.

    The headmaster is on the guy on the right right but can you youngsters identify the musician in the middle? Clue he is is 11 months younger than me!


  3. Maybe I should have revived the "Most famousest person you've ever met" thread but I laughed out loud when I discovered this old photo of myself that was taken in 1984. I had a little more hair back then :)

    I am on the left and it was taken when a friend and I, representing my trade trade association, presented two Variety Club Sunshine Coaches to a school for pupils with severe handicaps.

    The headmaster is on the guy on the right right but can you youngsters identify the musician in the middle? Clue he is is 11 months younger than me!


  4. I went to The Moorings tonight wearing a black tie (as instructed on Aberdeen Music by Lucky Rathen) - after all it was Cobra Kai's last ever gig.

    However it was anything but mournful, the revived band were well rehearsed and certainly pleased a huge and enthusiastic crowd. Introduced by Mr Flash himself as "One of my favourite bands", Ryan and the band definitely went out with a show that will be remembered for some time.

    Fatboy on bass seemed to have developed a huge personal following as a large section of the crowd shouted his name again and again.

    Ryan ended the show by thanking Flash and Brian for their help and he thanked the fans that had followed Cobra Kai over the last four years.

    A raucous "What will they do with the drunken sailor" was the surprise closing number.

    Ryan is off to live in Dublin but I don't think we have heard the last of him or of Cobra Kai.

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  5. It is 40 years ago today since Gene Vincent died. I could write hundreds of hair raising stories about Gene but it is probably best just to remember him for the music that lives on in rock'n'roll anthems like Be Bop A Lula.

    Even Lucky Rathen has been known to play Be Bop A Lula - maybe he will reprise it at Cobra Kai's last ever gig at The Moorings on Friday night.

    Ryan - start practising your Cliff Gallop guitar now - I am sure you can already know the solo in Race With The Devil that starts at 48 secs.

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