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Graham Knight

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Posts posted by Graham Knight

  1. The local news station was interviewing an 80-year-old lady because she had just gotten married for the fourth time. The interviewer asked her questions about her life, about what it felt like to be marrying again at 80, and then about her new husband's occupation.

    "He's a funeral director," she answered.


    "Interesting," the newsman thought. He then asked her if she wouldn't mind telling him a little about her first three husbands and what they did for a living.

    She paused for a few moments, needing time to reflect on all those years. After a short time a smile came to her face and she answered proudly, explaining that she had first married a banker when she was in her early 20's, then a circus ringmaster when in her 40's, and a preacher when in her 60's, and now in her 80's, a funeral director.

    The interviewer looked at her, quite astonished, and asked why she had married four men with such diverse careers.

    She smiled and explained, "I married one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go!

  2. Can't guarantee the accordion player shows up but...............

    we play at the Smiddy in Daviot, on the last sunday of the month (26th, this time) and start at 3.

    If you can make it, I'll do 'Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On' as well :)

    I went out to the Smiddy at Daviot this afternoon and Flaneur and his friends were there.

    It was a friendly place and sometimetimes there were three guitarists and sometimes four. There were also a variety of people on drums and some of the pub patrons joined in on vocals too. It was a fun event.

    Quite a variety of music was played during the three hours I was there including good versions of Charlie Rich's "Who Will The Next Fool Be", Chuck Berry's "You Never Can Tell, Jimmy Reed's "Baby, What You Want Me To Do", Johnny Cash's Folsom Prison Blues, and a truly outstanding, powerful version of "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On.

    A great rockin' way to spend a Sunday afternoon. The group deserve to be playing to bigger audiences. Thanks for inviting me out there.

  3. Lets talk about cats. Our cats. Lets talk about what's great about them and unleash a shitstorm on those who come to state their disliking of one of the best house pets ever.



    This is what my cat looked like at 11 weeks old. It is now 10 months old and is much bigger. I live in the country and the cat has its own catflap on the back door so it can come and go as it pleases. It likes to bring back baby rabbits that are usually still alive. Last week a neighbour from quite a distance away rang to say my cat was annoying her cat. I went down and found my male cat really was "annoying" a female cat.

    So tomorrow morning at 9am it is due to get the big chop from the vet.

    The only trouble is I think somebody has told my cat as it hasn't been seen this 10am.

    • Upvote 3
  4. The following invitation from ITV seems like an opportunity for a Special - Aberdeen Music Only - edition of Come Dine With Me.

    Which four members would you nominate to provide and interesting programme?

    I'd like to see a programme with Lucky Rathen, Teabags, Adam Easy Wishes and Dubya.

    Lucky "Escoffier" Rathen previously posted good examples of his culinary skills.

    Teabags would add some interesting ingedients.

    Adam would be able to endlessy mention and promote The Deportees // Tuff Wax Records

    Dubya would add a touch of danger and be ready with his life saving skills in case Lucky set the place on fire doing his Crepe Suzettes speciality with the flaming brandy.

    A Come Dine With Me with an all Aberdeen Music cast would be a lively affair that could only enhance the reputation of Aberdeen Music.

    Perhaps Aberdeen Music members would like to nominate four different participants. Would would you pick?


    • Upvote 2
  5. Graham,

    having witnessed the movie of your wonderful lobby, I now feel compelled to play 'Great Balls of Fire', at my next pub session. I don't play a lick of piano- but one of my confederates is an accordionist. :) She played a gentle blues solo over 'Sweet Black Angel', last time out, so ............

    I am glad you smiled at the video. As Shaki, Lucky Rathen, Robert Knight (definitely no relation :)) and others visitors from this Forum know, the walls of the entire house including the bathroom are covered in pictures, contracts, and other 50's memorabilia. I will have to make a longer video.

    I am sure your audience will like the inclusion of Great Balls of Fire. It is a tune that everybody seems to know despite it now being 55 years since it was a hit for Jerry Lee. It was written by the late Otis Blackwell and Jack Hammer. I am still in touch with Jack and he was recently trying to get Jerry to record a new composition called "I'm Still Burnin'."

    I'd like to hear your confederate accordion version - let me know when and where you are going to play it and I'll be there.

    Here is a link to a couple of accordion tunes from long ago: The first is the late Clifton Chenier who I saw in Lafayette in 1967. I think he was in his fities then and he said he had been doing this Hank Williams tune "since Hank died in 1953."

    And here is another accordion special - your audience will probably catch on pretty quickly to the treble entrendre in the song's title.

  6. Maybe I'm just being paranoid but surely its incredibly daft to keep all those guitars together in one small shop. A fire there would destroy lots of musical history and lots of lovely guitars.

    I have been in the shop which is located in a row of ordinary shops on Ventura Highway, not far from the Burbank TV studios where the Jay Leno show etc is made. The shop is quite small and it is very crowded. It operates a "locked door" policy.

    Many hard up musicians sell sell old guitars to this shop.

    This is a link to the business and it is worth checking it out just to see the gallery of photos that shows just a flock of famous visitors.

    It does also sell "ordinary" guitars as well and had a "less than 400 dollars" area when I was there.


  7. This thread is incomplete, without reference to Chuck Berry. Through all my changing tastes in music, 'Johnny B Goode' remains the most influential song i ever heard. It inspired me to play guitar and to buy a 335-alike.

    I play it in the pub, on the last sunday of every month. Sometimes- as a complete contrast- I also play 'Bye Bye Johnny'................:)

    With Bruce Springsteen and Clarence

    Chuck lays down the law to keith Richards



    watch Keith's reaction when at about 40 secs Chuck suggests they change key

    Chuck, Ray Charles, Neil Young and a flock of others at Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame jam

    • Upvote 3
  8. Some more

    Tear it up Burnette Trio


    Jerry Lee Lewis's 1st TV appearance - complete with adverts.


    Gene Be Bop A Lula (clip from the Jayne Mansfield movie The Girl Can't Help It) even Lucky Rathen has been known to perform this number!

    Roy Orbison Ooby Dooby


    Johnny Cash impersonates Elvis (humour)

  9. Here are a few more:

    Little Richard recorded at Granada TV manchester in 1964. Watch Richard's enthusiasm at 4m20s.

    The late great Charlie Feathers "Tongue Tied Jill" from 1956 - you don't get more rockabilly thasn this.


    This is James Brown at the Tami show in 1964 - the Rolling Stones had to follow this!


    Billy Lee Riley Red Hot

    Johnny Cash Luther played the Boogie Way

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