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  1. I'd check out musical vision. We got 3 songs done in 8 hours for 125 I think it was. There abouts anyway. If you want an example search "handspeedsteve" on YouTube. You may not like the songs but you can hear the quality of the recordings at least. You don't have to do 3 in that time. You could just do one and do it exactly as you want but 3 was a good number for us. We've decided on 2 at a time from now on though. You can do live recordings too, not sure about prices then though.
  2. I'll pass on your comments about the vox to our singer, see if he'll try and change it up a little and see if it works. Thanks for taking the time to listen.
  3. just looking for some feedback on these. (i know theres a bit of a timing issue with the drums on the backbeat part of the chorus on that second track, we just ran out of time to fix it. we recorded these just to give us an idea of what they really sound like.) recorded at musical vision in May. all feedback welcome. thanks Steve
  4. another one think i'd be better starting a fresh request for feedback on this one? this thread is seriosly about 5 years old and we've changed a helluva lot since then.
  5. what has it been, 5 years? seven? that can't be right. anyway. with numerous line up changes and a very, very long break we are back. check out our the first of our revamped and/or new songs here : YouTube - the silence! silence is golden we're having trouble deciding on a name. any suggestions would be appreciated. "Tensium" just doesn't fit anymore.
  6. sounds like an instruction rather than a band name. ah well, it worked for super mario
  7. hello mangu sirs. how would you guys feel about playing a gig in the summertime in the great outdoors? details are just a sketch in my notebook at the moment, but it looks promising so far. interest from deadloss mf superstar to play. also trying to get in touch with radio lucifer to no avail. if your interested please let me know either with a reply here , pm or carrier pigeon. if you'd like to see what your getting yourself in for see http://spaces.msn.com/tensium/ theres some music and short bio there. (p.s, my apologies to you mr singer/bassman but i have forgotten your name. i went to college with you last year. was in ms2. guy with a blue mohawk/leather jacket at the time. play drums) as they say in aberdeen, 'cheers min.'
  8. anyone see us on saturday at cafe drummonds? if so, would appreciate it if you could leave a comment or full blown review for our website.
  9. is this ab-mus or movie poop shoot .com?
  10. thanks, you coming along? you'll enjoy it, we'll ply you with grog and play loud music at you then send you home feeling a mite light headed.
  11. yeah, summer.....i know. but it takes a long time to organise this kinda shizzle. got to organise an outdoor venue for a start, then make sure power is available. bands, set up, equipment, etc. sound may be a problem outdoors (i dunno). legality of drinking outdoors at events organised by public etc.....fuck it, i'll bring some tents, people can drink in them.
  12. tensium are hosting a generator party in the style of kyuss/qotsa. we need the cream of the local crop to help out, we only need two bands as we want to give long set times. anyone that thinks they can perform outdoors and drink heavily then please PM me. it will be in summer sometime and free of charge. (so im sorry, no pay. but if your the kind of band that is up for this im sure thats not a problem). we would like a new band for an opening act but these are minor details. the main idea is for aberdeen-music fans to come together for a celebration of summer/music/acohol and each others support. we want a huge crowd, you dont even have to like the music, as long as your up for a good time and a drink. open invitation to all ab-mus users and friends.
  13. holy jesus, what are these god damn animals. i was there.....it was good.
  14. http://spaces.msn.com/members/Tensium/ for webshite. http://server4.hxcmp3.com/bands/32179/index.php for mp3's. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/ for non-sensical madness
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