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Posts posted by rowan

  1. My girlfriend has just moved away for uni but has left her hamster with me until i find a good home for it/her.

    So if anyone would like a lovable new pet then please drop me a line..

    1x dwarf hamster

    1x cage w/th wheel etc

    some bedding and other bits and bob's..

    Im in the city centre, can't drive so you would need to pick it up..

    Email me for details: rowan.reynolds@amec.com


  2. Line up just announced...

    Beverly Knight

    Shayne Ward

    Unkle Jam

    Amy McDonald

    Booty Luv


    The McDonald Brothers

    The Little Kicks

    Ali Love

    Esther O'Connor


    That makes sence, move the concert to a larger venue yet announce one of the worst line up's ever.. (Ali Love & The Little Kicks aside)

    Who are half of these bands?

  3. Aberdeen based guitar player..

    Looking for like minded people to get get something started!

    Into: Good Shoes, Bromhead's Jacket, Maccabees, The Rifles, The Emeny, The Wombats, The Cribs, Libertines, Sunshine Underground, The Strokes, The Clash!

    Been playing for a wee while now and wanted to get something more out of it!

    If interested please send me an email: rowan.reynolds@amec.com

  4. Hey,

    Im looking for like minded people, who would be interested in starting something up. I play guitar and if needs be can do a bit of singing! If you can sing, play guitar, keyboards, bass etc and are interested in jamming & actually doing something instead of just talking about it let me know.

    Im 24, into bands like the libertines, blur, oasis, milburn, arctic monkeys, good shoes, the kbc, razorlight, bromhead's jacket, sunshine underground, kings of leon, the view, maximo park.. the list goes on..


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