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Posts posted by HairyScaryMark

  1. I don't mean to sound like 'don't say I didn't tell you so.'

    If you are exercising or using any set of muscles in your body heavily you should warm them up and stretch them first. You otherwise risk injury. It may not happen and quite possibly not immediately but the risk is still there and an unecessary risk to take.

    You can damage your throat pernamently but my suspicion is it will be largely tempory damage and will return to normal in a number of weeks. You should get it checked out incase it is serious. It is most likely a result of the throat infection. Warm, crowded gigs are perfect breeding and spreading grounds for bacteria and viruses.

    Assuming your voice returns (which I think it will), search google for 'vocal warm up exercises'. There is a whole variety which you should/could do.

    I now do a series of stretching and warm up exercises for guitar and I have physically improved at a much greater speed than I ever have before (pm me if you wish to know more).

  2. Taxation can be increased in a number of areas (oil, top rate income tax, green taxes etc) and decreased in others (such as bottom rate income tax and inheritance tax). Scotland has something like 85% the UK average income. I think it is near enough (when combined with Oil wealth) that taxation would not need to be dramatically increased to fund public spending.

    We may have a relatively low GDP in Scotland, but it isn't drastically far off Finland and they still manage to fund a generous social securtity programme.

    In the case of indepdence, Scotland should negotiatie control of all or most of the UK armed forces, stationed in Scotland.

    I don't think there is any reason why Scotland shoudln't actually improve as an indepdent nation. Many, such as myself probably fear that it would be poorly managed and the incompetance, seen in Hollyrood is evidence this would happen.

    With relation to the EU. We must remember that Switzerland and Norway are the richest countries in the world, and not members of the European Union. Sweden also rejected the Euro currency and is possibly economically stronger as a result.

    The practically and high risk apsects of starting a new currency could be a prime reason for Scotland joining the Euro.

  3. The SNP are pretending to be popular all of a sudden. They lost seats at the last Scottish Parliament Election. Might as well have not bothered at the last Genereal Election.

    If they get more seats in hollyrood next year, it will be largely becuase Labour are despised by a decent minority and the Lib Dems have been useless ever since Meinz Capmbell took over in Westminister. In other words, they could gain power through people failing to turn out to vote for other parties.

    I am mostly in favour of Scottish Indepdence. Largely becuase I believe Scotland is a more forward thinking country (with the exception of old firm fans). There could be a real chance to make social progress and improve the living standards of Scottish people through indepdence. We could become politically more like a Scandanavian country, who are usaully said to have the highest standard of living in the world.

  4. I only heard the BNP bomber story due to the information being passed onto me by another family member who found it on the internet.

    I thought myself too synical at first but today in the indepdent, 'minister calls for veil wearing teaching assistant to be sacked'. Irrespective of the in's and out's of the debate it apepears improper for a government minister to call for the sacking of a teaching assisatnt.

    Then we had racially motivated riots in West London (i think it was). A day later, Jack Straw writes stuff in a newspaper about veil wearing.

    It does appear there is now as much as a press strategy to discredit the wider Islamic population in an attempt to win support for government terrorism policy.

    My belief is, if nobody bothered listening to racist views, they wouldn't be presented as serious views, unlike they are now. I particularly blame Politicians, mainly in Labour and Conservative by giving into pressures from Murdoch press to have a 'tougher' immigration and asylum policies. We all know that in England such terms are just a polite way of tapping into the populations racial predjudices. There are serious to debates to be had over these issues but in practice usuaully are little more than a polite way of being racist.

  5. Don't believe I was quite barred in this situation but I was approached by the bouncer while sitting in the outside area of Revolution "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave, you were sick upstairs"

    I hadn't been upstairs or sick anywhere else for that matter, he had clearly got the wrong guy or the story was completely false.

    I replied "i think you've got the wrong guy, i haven't been sick or upstairs"

    he then muttered something about having to leave anyway

    "we were just about to leave anyway" (as we were).

    He then acompanied us out the side gate.

    I don't think I have been banned but I haven't returned there since.

  6. There are a number of ways you could do this but I would suggest just bullying a friend into pressing the play button on a CD player live at appropriate moments. Put each sample onto a seperate track on a CD and set the CD player to play only one track then pause at the beginnign of the next.

    You can trigger samples using a midi note signal or programme change. Maybe add each sample to a seperate track on a CD, get a CD player which you can play tracks indvidually, triggered with a midi signal, you would also have to get a midi controller, there are some relatively cheap ones around but you may still find it cheaper and easier investing in a sampler. You still need some way of controlling it live though

  7. I, also try things like setting up the mic in odd places like your ear height (which will pickup more what you hear normally, than the sound directly from the speaker)

    That is not necessarily the case as microphones don't work the same way as human ears. This is one reason why things rarely sound the same on recordings.

    I do however agree with you about placing the mic slightly off centre, an angle of about 60degrees from the cabinet seems to be about right also, I find. somewhere between 2-6 cm away from the cab is probably your best bet.

    Distance micing should mainly be tried when you have multiple microphones and usually not using dynamic mics.

  8. Place Mike out of the room so he doesn't make any noise when you record.

    There are many options to where you place your mic's. When using only one SM57 I have found the best way to get a relatively smooth upper-mid boost is to place it about 2" from the cone at about an angle of 60 degrees. Also place it a few inches away from the speaker.

    If you place the SM57, straight on it will sound punchy. I wouldn't recommend this unless you are using a combination of microphones so there are more options to your tone qualities, after you record.

    If you have the option of doing this, record your dry signal as well as guitar amp signal. That way you can change your tone after you record, if you later decide you don't like it or even wish to change it moderately.

  9. I don't see why changing it from cheesy rock to cheesy pop should make it any more popular with students, especially if they effectively become more expensive.

    It isn't any cheaper than any other night. I don't object to paying just over 2 for a pint but student nights are generally meant to be cheaper than usual nights in some way. Previously there was the flyers for entry and the drinks wheel which randomly determined which drink was going to be 1. The games were also plainly stupid which added amusement.

    I went on Wednesday, it was busy (as could be expected on freshers week) but I didn't have any more fun than usual. The previous Wednesday was more fun, to be honest.

  10. Cheapskate.

    If you plan to use it outside of the rehersal room get something a bit higher quality.

    Every second person (at least) uses a Shure SM58

    Beyer Dynamic do some mics that are almost as good for a bit less money. Sennheiser probably cost about the same as Shure.

    A good mic should last at least as long as your band does if not a lot longer. If you drop a mic, it probably ill survive but I have seen a few mics go bust from being dropped off a stage. Admittedly, a lot of venues will provide you with mics but I woudln't count on it with all.

    Don't compromise on mic quality. You will regret it.

  11. I am not greatly clued up on London but I would like to warm people that not everything is close and walkable. Looking at a map might be a good idea but you may fail to get a sense of proportion from that. Soho leads onto Picadilli Circus which leads onto Leister Square.

    Denmark street is over rated. It is interesting for a wonder but the staff in some shops are rather hostile towards customers. Some of them are always busy and others are very specialist.

    I think all the main museums and art galleries are now free. The National Gallery is at Trafalgar Square and there is a number of other galleries and museums at places you might go anyway. I have never been in London at an age when I had an interest in the night life so I have no opinion on that.

    Covent Garden Tube Station is a short walk from Covent Garden.

    I still believe London is one of the most interesting places to wonder around in the UK but also can be one of the most tiring.

  12. EQ can also be constructive!

    Would you agree that EQ performed by the engineer is usually destructive and is mainly used simply because there is something wrong with the source signal or does not fit into the band mix?

    My view is EQ is being used in this situation is taking apart the signal further. It is a bit like using radio therapy on cancer sufferers. It may destroy cancer sells but it will destroy a lot of healthy ones in addition, the alternative is much worse so being 'destructive' is the only sollution.

  13. Phrasing is the key in any solo.

    As for what notes you can use. It depend on the style.

    Generally, you want to resolve on a chord note (a note found in the chord being played currently).

    Scale soloing can be of use to get you started but you generally want to get a bit beyond that as it can be quite limiting.

    It is also a common view that descending scales sound less like scales than ascending scales so you can get away with playing them more often. Also if you start on another note of the scale (i.e the 3rd) and play it downwards, it sounds even less like a scale.

    In summary: phrasing and not sounding like a scale is the key.

    Aeolian (natural minor) and major are probably the first two scales to learn for playing rock solos.

  14. I'd suggest that the reason you didn't have to EQ much was more down to the source and placement than the mics used.

    Mics, placement and source; if used well shoudl mean you only need no or a tiny amount of EQ. The chances are, cheaper mics tend to offer less clarity or less smoothness on the upper-mid end (what some tube and condensor mics do) and you my have to compensate for this with EQ (which is destructive).

    My remarks to do with cost were made after I heard a number of people express a view which said they could record their bands in a home recording setup to save money. This is usually not the case. It was also initally a direct response Little Voice's post.

  15. The SM57s are multi purpose, you will always find a use for them in the future. They also cost for around 60 each, meaning that to mic your kit up with these, it woudln't be much more than the 200 set of drum mics.

    I am not implying that you wont get a reasonable recording unless you spend the sort of money little voice mentioned. I am putting across my view that if you buy gear which is worse quality than even some of the lowest costing studios, you must question whether it is worthwhile trying to record your entire band in your home studio. Maybe one mic into your soundcard is your best idea, so you can record your ideas on guitar.

    Even if you tried recording everything with 2 SM57s (which I wouldn't recommend) that is 120 and probably wont be any higher quality than what you get from captain toms.

    I recorded my friend's band with the mics, which i mentioned in my last post. I am impressed with the results. We also used a far above average quality drum kit and set of cymbals. If your drum kit dosen't sound good acousticly, it is unlikely to on the recording either. I didn't do a huge amount of editing in sonar as the source signal was strong. The only drum mic I used EQ on at all was the top of the snare. The fact I barely used any EQ shows that my source signal was strong. EQ is largely a desctructive process. You use it generally for two reasons.

    There is something wrong with the source signal and you are trying to remove a harsh quality.

    To build a particular instrumental tone (mainly done at guitar amp stage etc.).

    I am sure soundian already knows this or has a different opinion or take on the situation. I was trying to offer my advice to others, from my relatively small amount of experience with recording. I am not critising anyone else or trying to preach what I say as the gospel.

  16. My view on recording is. Save up your money, be 98% confident with the music you play before entering a studio. Produce a recording you can be proud of. Go to a good studio..... I believe the Mill to be the best studio within 10? miles of Aberdeen (don't take this personally please). If you plan to do lots of backing vocal overdubs or extra guitar overdubs, make sure the rest of the band know this. Don't get drunk or stoned on the day or the night before. (sounds obvious but a large percentage of bands get this wrong)

    I've seen plenty of drum mic sets for sub £200 (3 tom mics' date=' kick mic, snare mic and two condensors typically) and I used a set the other day which was surprisingly not shit (apart from the snare mic, which was good for the snare bottom but pants on the top). Certainly worth investigating if anyone wants to save themselves nearly a grand.[/quote']

    You get away with much lesser quality drum mics in small live venues. I have heard one dynamic mic as an overheard produce a better drum sound than an 8 mic setup. It is all about how you use it.

    I recorded my friend's band using a hired, borrowed and partially owned set of drums mics.

    The mics were something similar to as follows.

    AKG tri-power D4400 bass drum mic (nearer kick skin)

    Behringer B1 large diaphram mic (towards the non-kick side) - yes this thing can take 20hz- 20khz and 150dB

    4 AKG C418 on toms and top of snare

    AKG C1000 on underside of snare (i would recommend 2 of these for snare if you have the mics)

    AKG C1000 on hi-hat

    2 AKG C 391 B for overheads - CK91 capsule and SE300B power module

    The board was a Behringer digital mixing desk. Not the best but for the setup we use, it makes great sense and is good value for money.

    The results were extremely good. I would also say that if you are concidering going for mics below the sort of quality level I used you might as well use SM57's on drums. The SM57s don't do a bad job but are far from ideal. It also

    It may also be worth concidering triggering drum samples if you can't afford anything above £3 tandy mics or have a low quality drum kit. I am not bought by the C418 but the rest of the mics i would recommend.

    The band will probably post the recordings when they finish re-doing mistakes etc.

  17. I hate to rain on your parade' date=' but I think that most people that attempt home recording are wasting their money ........For the price of that mic that you are thinking of buying, you could make a really good demo and the people making it would be experienced engineers.[/quote']

    I sort of agree with you up until a point although admittedly I have heard a fair amount of terrible recordings from local studios also.

    The point of a home studio is generally not to save money when recording a CD.

    It is due to the shere amount of time you can spend mixing the recordings and keep changing it as you notice more imbalances etc. If you hire a studio for a set number of hours or days. You are more or less restricted with your mix down time by this. Your engineer will generally be able to do a much better job than you in that time.

    However, if you are quite clued up with sound engineering, know enough to mix your own CD, If you have your own studio you can keep re-analysing your recordings and change stuff for weeks on end before releasing it.

    Another reason to get your own recording gear is to record your ideas in your house and be able to experiment with recorded riffs etc.

    To get a very serious studio in your house you generally need to spend quantities of money which would get you the best part of a week (or two) at many studios.

    you are talking something like

    300 for a reasonable ad/da converer and quite possibly a lot more

    800 on drum mics (if you are happy enough with live mics)

    300 for a pair of reasonably high quality condensor mics

    50 on cables or more

    300 for a large diaphram mic

    Of course you can get away with a SM57 and your current soundcard but if you want to achieve recordings on par with high quality studios, you really are looking at spending a lot of money. You can achieve reasonable results with far less than I listed above but that is roughly the amount of money I think you would end up spending for average 'studio quality'

    I would say there is 3 things on a recording which determine the quality of your recorded sound (discarding engineering)

    source signal (instrument, amplifiers etc.), microphones and ad converter board.

    The higher quality each of these are, the better your recording will sound.

  18. My band are almost ready to gig and in need a bass player as our last one is moving out of the area. We are not sure how to be best describe our style but i place it somewhere around 'symphonic metal'. We are quite ambitious and plan to gig outside the local gig circuit, even within early days.


    Your lack of transport could be compensated for by the bus stop right next to where we practice. Bass amp can also be provided.

    You would need to learn about 6 songs or so, then we would be ready to gig.

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