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Everything posted by ZeromiserY

  1. hell, we could do with one. we're not very wel known but at least we'd stop making new threads in the main forums.
  2. fud, pap, fanny. sorry if these are repeats
  3. dude. what orange farm? so basically, your saying we farm rotten semem covered music. .....yeah, that about covers it.
  4. and i didnt pick the title. so he thinks they're fucking ace, who's anyone else to say they're not. if you liked oranges and go, "fuck yeah, these oranges are fuckin awesome" and maybe i dont like oranges coz they are orange and im just like that. i wouldnt tell you all about it. so basically, the moral of this confusing metaphor is, orange fruits should be cast out and buried in the dessert. along with the title of this forum. now.....im of to go get some cool fruit, like a banana or something. (gwen stefani likes them so much she wrote a song about it )
  5. cant believe no-one coined this yet "ye fuckin BAM min"
  6. sounds lik a success to me. you dont like it....we dont care. everyones a winner
  7. good : mike patton is the centre of the singing universe. then i'd say stevie wonder is my next favourite. josh homme :qotsa des from statue of misery (local band) and phil anselmo....just coz i can serj tankian worst, rob zombie christina aquqiquqlul-rah :well over-rated. too much decoration on the vowels mcud from hed pe dexter holland dez from coal chamber daron malakian
  8. yah cheers.like we give a shite what you think. we dont even know who you are. so ....yeah. boo-hoo "he-he"
  9. thanks. had read a bit about the whole false wall thing online but thats a lot of work and probably more expensive than i care to guess at. thanks for all the tips
  10. noice one hog. btw, can you tell me where in bucksburn i can meet you to pass on tickets etc? i got a dj for the 31st by the way, to keep the masses entertained between sets.
  11. somewhere in england i think. they are newly signed and touring britain. its very slim chance they will be playing. depends on timing and other factors that have nothing to do with me
  12. element 106, weeping jesus, statue of misery, identity, hollow point and possibly a new band called the test icicles
  13. is there anywhere online that i can hear some psydoll?
  14. anything from pop-punk to death metal. something to suit the line-up
  15. We would like to have a more well known DJ at the tunnels on july 31st to keep the crowd entertained between sets. if anyone is interested, please post up here or PM me.
  16. i thought it was a great night but as you say it was dissapointing they didnt play ck killer and others. i dont think they played buy american either. (did they?) new song was pretty good. sounded more like their older stuff. good shizzle
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