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Posts posted by JaseyBoi

  1. its as much suicide as a pub banning smoking. but it happens and we HAVE to deal with it.......

    gaming companys just like all major distribution companys are spending millions a year on trying to fight piracy but tbh piracy will always be with us untill companys take extreme measures like 1 game 1 console... i very much doubt they would do this (im not saying they havent got the technology) i just doubt they would completly make them this way,as statistics show that most homes generaly have more than one console. microsoft would rather one home had 2 microsoft products so game sharing is inevatible..

  2. Jack is "an other"

    He states in an episode he will do anything he can to stop the "others" from harming them again in anyway yet when they catch one he wants to fix him up and let him play with the rest of the jacky crew...

    when i first heard this theory i was told to go back to the episode where jack locke and sawyer confront Blackbeard...Look at jacks face and body language theres something not right about it.........

    The Others know every single name of every one of the 2 parts of the plane???.. How is this?

  3. Tell you what, when you've met COPD patients in their 60s who smoked all their life and now as a result cannot even get out of a chair without relying on Oxygen and their one regret is starting smoking when they were 13... then perhaps you'll actually get where I'm coming from.

    Thats my gran and my grandad before he died ..thing is smoking in public places had no impact on whether they started smoking or not (its always been illegal to smoke at school in public places ) but thats how the majority starts .. also my gran hasnt smoked out with her house in her whole life as shes of the times where ladys shouldnt smoke in public.

    i also have care workers in my family my mum works for a retirment home and is full of oldies who cant move or breath without oxygen some due to smoking some due to being exposed to toxins at the work place.

    i remeber the days you could smoke anywhere and they introduced the law about smoking on public transport,this was big news and everyone had a view but nothing changed.

    i remeber when restuarants and the like where forced to have seperate places for smoking and non smoking again was big news.things where going to get better. It didnt.

    and as for me being an asshole mate thats your opinon and your entitled to it.

  4. These people need to get a hobby

    These people are elderly people and only hobby they have is going down to there local club or local pub to whittle away there lifes.......so yeah maybe they do need a hobby but after working all there lifes maybe they feel they dont need a hobbie.

    what causes more of a public nuisence smoking or drinking in public?

    what causes more deaths per year smoking or drinking in public?

    what causes more funds to be spent every single tax year smoking or drinking in public?

    i will probably stop smoking after march as its a filthy bloody habit that kills ...i do not have to see this banning in public as a good idea..i truely think its one more step to being controlled.

  5. What? Are you serious? Are you actually blaming this on the smoking ban and not on the parents who have a choice whether they smoke in front of their kids? They're not being forced to smoke anywhere - there's just a few less places they can smoke.


    sorry mate but did you never see your parents smoke or did anyone never see there parents smoke does this make our parents bad people... if smokers enjoy smoking but cant do it when there out they wil simply stay home and smoke....there will be more social gethers in homes than out and about.....if you have kids and you smoke in another room from where the kids are this is not a deterent on protecting them from passive smoking its a pyscological mind trick.... you convince yourself its not being done in the same room so wont hurt them...

  6. No one used the term "Our world is now saved".

    Inhaling other peoples smoke is unpleasant' date=' offensive and bad for your health - FACT.

    Fair enough I already mentioned in my previous post about the tobacco sales generating revenue, but perhaps you oughta take into consideration the huge amount the NHS has to spend on treating people with diseases directly caused by smoking. It's pretty big.

    Lung Cancer - usually presents so late that when diagnosed, nothing can be done, and currently 1 in 10 smokers will get lung cancer. So if you have 9 friends who smoke, and you smoke... then chances are, one of you will go on to get a great big tumour in your lungs - yay!

    Emphysema and COPD - directly related to smoking, when the tissues of your lungs basically start to break down so your ability to breathe is vastly impaired - often by up to 75% of predicted volume - very nasty disease and requires lifetime care.

    Heart Disease - Smoking is a proven risk factor, the heart disease rate in this country is sometimes referred to as the one thing Scotland does well, we've got one of the highest rates of death from heart disease in Europe.

    You may think it's the "beginning of the end", I see it as the one thing the exec's done right in a while.[/color']


    See this is exactly what i mean all very good ONESIDED points you make there

    Fair enough I already mentioned in my previous post about the tobacco sales generating revenue, but perhaps you oughta take into consideration the huge amount the NHS has to spend on treating people with diseases directly caused by smoking. It's pretty big.

    That works both ways my dear as the ammount of tax paid towards tobaco was used to fund the nhs....

    Heart Disease - Smoking is a proven risk factor, the heart disease rate in this country is sometimes referred to as the one thing Scotland does well, we've got one of the highest rates of death from heart disease in Europe.

    Again a good point heart desease is scotland highest death rate but where did you get the FACT thats its due to tobaco .. its our diets and drinkng habits and lifestyles ill think you will find ...Scots are also the obese capital of europe thats fags anaw aye?

    As i say of course non smokers will now stand up and be counted as they have nothing to lose.. Im also not saying its not 100% a good idea but i do not believe we will see a decrease in tobaco sales ...if paying a 5 for something thats gonna kill u doesnt make you wanna stop neither will banning it in public ...All that will happen is we will evolve to be more house bound....Internet and banning laws will make sure of this....

    i also dont believe we will see a decrease in passive smoking related illness's as does everyone now think its illegal in public we gonna be sneaking away and smoking in private rooms or something..... if you feel you are taking in to much passive smoke in your local pub maybe its about time you evaluate how much of your life you are spending in the damn pub......

    I actually know people who have worked all there lifes and believe fags ae there only luxury in life........

    (speaking shite now)

  7. a non smokers view shouldnt be taken into account wether smoking should be banned as thats like asking us non junkys what we should do with the junkys.... or us non neds what would we like to do to neds...

    Anyway a non smoking law will not make everything ok and if u think this you are nieve.....ok us as adults will no longer smoke in front of each other we will now all sit in the house on a friday saturday night and have a few drinks and smoke in front of the kids.... AYE GOOD FUCKING GOING.........

    Cracks me up the government makes so much fucking money out of tobacco but becasue they now introduce smoking bans people who dont smoke stand up and be counted......

    i know this board has a few politicly minded individuals and tbh i respect most of there views and politics,But to make a post under the dilusiion our world is now saved is FUCKING STUPID.......

    Lets concentrate on what makes our universe a scarey place and crack down on the real problems not be fucking douped and blinfolded by "new legislation"........

    in 10years time when my children are reflecting on the terrorism/Politcial scandals and general corruption we live in atm im sure the highlght of good isnt gonna be "ahhh but they did ban smoking in public"

    This is the beginning of the end .............. i read theres a new law coming about offensive slogans and the like.You may have seen some of them on tv "kill all who slate allah" etc now if they push this law through and get public banning this also means 'joe blogs' cant wear t-shirts or any other clothing with offensive material or anything that doesnt meet government standards....Meaning in a few more years will we actually be in control of our day to day behaviours...

  8. They are showing the pilots in america next week.

    Which reminds me was shown a site and it looks as though black smoke brought Jack to the middle of the jungle in the pilot as you can see smoke reaching back up when he opens his eyes(I thought it could've been false so I watched the pilot again and there is something retreating in his eyes).

    Ive been saying from the start thats where jack was located when he 1st landed on the island makes no sense in condjuncton from where he was sitting and whom he was sitting infront of and beside on the plane .. he was harnest into his seat yet gets ripped out of his seat and over the heads of passengers behind him..... he was sitting oposite the coloured lady she lands in the ocean jack lands in the jungle...(i also read thaat jack was meant to die originaly in the pilot episode but the creators ejoyed his character so much they couldnt do it.......Also i read Walt will never return as the same walt as hes ageing to fast for 50 days as production has been 2 years.....a bit like harry potterlol he arrives at hogwarts aged 12 now in the movies hes clearly bloody 18

  9. - Micheal Schumacher's winning F1 car was made in 3 weeks by Macgyver using only a Wal-Mart shopping cart, a 1983 model CB radio and two lawnmowers. But the secret of the cars success was the great traction he created by using a liquid that was made with melted fruit loops which he smeared on the tyres.

    - When God asked for light Chuck Norris told him to say please, When Chuck Norris could not complete this task McGyver created it out of a toothpick three chocolate bars and his swiss army knife.

    - Hiroshima is said to have been bombed by a nuclear weapon, this is not true, Mcgyver accidently set it up with a pound of crushed ice, and DNA from both Chuck Norris and Mr. T

    - Macgyver made a sail for his houseboat using 3 paper bags and a sock. He then proceeded to win the America's Cup for 7 years running.

    - Once Macgyver invented a hair loss comb over machine that was so powerful not even hurricane winds could dislodge the comb over it created. Just before he was about to release it to the public, Donald Trump made him an offer he couldnt refuse. Mr Trump registered the patent and only one prototype was ever made - used to this day by Mr Trump.

    - Macgyver once invented a machine so revolutionary that it would change the face of mankind forever. It was reported that Time magazine was to hail this as "The greatest invention of our century". Unfortunately one day it was stolen from MacGyver's houseboat. Eyewitnesses reported seeing a large male leaving the houseboat on the very same day. Two weeks later (to the day), the George Foreman grill was released to the public. The culprit was never apprehended.

    - Macgyver invented the first PSP prototype in 1984 using 2 AA batteries, duct tape and a carton of low fat milk.

    - The only reason the Macgyver show was ever cancelled was because in the summer of 1991 Macgyver caused a worldwide shortage of duct tape.

    - Once Macgyver was stuck in the Alps with only a Maltese Poodle as his companion. It was getting dark and he needed a way to get home. He removed his trusty swiss army knife and proceeded to duct tape some pack-ice, 3 pages from an old People magazine and moose hairs together. With this he formed wings which he then welded onto the back of the Maltese poodle.

    He then flew the Maltese back home to Florida navigating by using a compass made with a match and a banana.

    Two years later he sold the Maltese to a Hollywood producer who used the dog as one of the main stars in "The Neverending Story" trilogy.

    - Every man who sports a mullet secretly wants to be Macgyver.

    - Macgyer has beaten Steven Hawking at chess 11 out of 12 times. He threw the last game.

    - Macgyver once made a working model of the theory of relativity using only duct tape, pennzoil and 37 matchsticks.

    - MacGyver does not shave with a regular razor - he merely applies duct tape to his face and rips it off. This is how Chuck Norris first learned of this technique.

    - The first ever high speed internet connection was actually created by Macgyver in 1989 in an effort to contact the CIA while he was MIA in Cameroon. He managed to create a WIFI connection using a pigeon.

    Duct taped to the pigeon was a home made solar powered high speed wireless 56k modem. This connection was so powerful that by todays standards the entire internet could be downloaded within 3 hours and 38 minutes at a speed of 45TB per second. Unfortunately Macgyver forgot to write down the root password and no-one has ever been able to penetrate or logon to this network since.

    - The first ever Linux distro was coded by Macgyver in under 3 hours - using only a hybrid version of notepad and DOS batch files.

    - When McGyver is bored, he builds stuff. Once when he was locked in a warehouse awaiting his death by one bad guy or another, he constructed, using only A paperclip, a cardboard box, duct tape, and some dust bunnies:

    a salad shooter

    a hydroponic garden

    13 bombs

    A PDTRM(Perpetual Duct Tape Reproduction Machine)

    A new form of Kung Fu that he ultimately used to defeat his captors

    What do YOU do on your days off?

    - MacGyver once fought with Chuck Norris, MacGyver won with Q-Tips, a cough drop, and an empty Powerade bottle.

    - The only thing Macgyver fears more than a shortage of duct tape - is duct tape itself.

    - MacGyver made a time machine composed entirely of duct-tape, went back in time and fathered Einstein.

    - Macgyver actually entered the first pilot show of Survivor, but was promptly banned for building a condo complete with remote controlled garage in the first hour.

  10. they really...really better not

    the experiment is called the hanso experiment and if you read further back on this thread you will find a direct link to the hanso projects website altho for some reason the main experiment sections are now closed for public viewing...But in the nutshell he believes that before man can fully evolve to our next stage there MUST be a mass cleansing of human beings.....

    I thought at the very beining that this all had something major to do with locke as we still havent been told how he lost the use of his legs and i kinda thought it was related to his kidney transplant (which we found out later) it wasnt..and i kinda thought he was the one in limbo and this was all some kinda fucked up dream or the like...I DO NOT THINK THIS NOW.......

    Surely if they went to all that trouble to manipulate the lives of each indivdual

    The flash backs are happening for a reason and d like to know what but heres some manipulation for you to think about

    The teddy that you see one of the others carrying appears in nion every single persons flash backs in one frame or another....

    Everyone's flash backs have had the same people in them but in different roles ie the lady who sold hurley the winning ticket dated/shagged sawyer

    The guy who bullied/Slated locke at work turned up in the hospital jack worked in....and therss many many more......... again obviously with us only being on season 2 outs 5 seasons there must be a heap of info we still dont know (i work that out all myself)

    The experiment was a sociology zoology and pyscology experiment so a polar bear being there aint that far fetched.....

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