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Posts posted by Stroopy121

  1. Lots of tattoo advice...

    I'd also add - NEVER go to a tattooist because they are cheap - being a stingy bastard has got me burned more than once with shitty tats.. no matter how simple the design, go to a reputable tattooist and pay for quality..

    Also, about the 'visible tattoos' thing; I've got some ink on my neck and knuckles and while it is a bit of a stigma to overcome, I've found that people can be pretty accepting most of the time. There are a few dickheads who write you off immediately for it mind and it'll affect you more or less depending on your profession, I work in engineering and get by OK with facial piercings and visible tats, can't imagine you'd get far in hospitality though..


  2. nah, as much as him playing the same role in a new film every 3 months grates a little bit, Arrested Development alone will always keep him as a good guy. Superbad was fun too.

    Ok I'll give you Arrested Development...

    Superbad is funny as fuck, but neither Cera nor the Jonah Hill (another of my pet hates) had anything to do with how awesome that movie is.

    They landed really funny, well written roles but they didn't contribute anything to them IMO... They coulda stuck literally anyone else in as those two characters and had the same movie...

    Then again, I'm just another dickhead on the internet bitching about people who make more money than me, so take my opinion or leave it =]


  3. It's apparently more like "hud-again".

    I was told that this was as far as the old tram routes went, and as they would make their way round the roundabout, the call from the conductor/tram operator to the passengers was "Hud again!", as in hang on to the railings, otherwise you'll be knocked off balance.

    that sounds horiffically made up, but I'm going to tell everyone I know that it's a fact. I shall then belligerently argue to the point of violence with anyone who contests it.


  4. There is a wafer thin line between puns about the recently deceased being acceptable or not. Breast to try and keep it respectful. Twis lerning quite a lot about Bernard Matthews on Wikipedia actually.

    Wouldn't the jokes being completely tasteless be fairly apt?

    It'd at least be a a little ironic...?


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