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Posts posted by Stroopy121

  1. The Script are fucking awful.

    Also, people, it's fucking cold outside so dress appropriately. I have no sympathy whatsoever for you walking along hugging yourself to stave off pneumonia because you're dressed in what appears to be a fucking white silk negligee when it's blizzarding out. Muppet.

    Yeah when I was on the way home yesterday there was a girl dressed in a tiny little dress and ridiculous shoes teetering up the road shivering her labia off...

    I'd have felt sorry for her if I wasn't so damn aroused


  2. Why? Was it really that offensive? Seemed for the most part to be an appreciation of the female form. ?(

    That and discussing our breasticular pet hates..

    seems to be just about within the lines if you ask me?


    Edit - Plus, it's a fact that there are no girls on the internet, so who's gonna be offended?

  3. I once heard dating a woman with huge tits being compared to driving a monster truck..

    Fun to start with, gets boring pretty fast and ultimately ends up being more upkeep than it's worth.. found it to be pretty accurate all things considered

    Big boobs are just saggy boobs waiting to happen....


  4. Do many people use wireless guitar thingies nowadays? What are the benefits? Other than the obvious 'I can run around massive stages and crowd surf whilst still shredding, man'.

    Main advantages for me really are not getting tangled up (because I'm a fucking idiot who actually does get tangled up in his own guitar lead) and never being at risk of accidentally unplugging your guitar.

    the disadvantage though is that if you're a slack bastard you may find the battery for your transmitter runs out during a gig, although I can't decide if I felt like more of a dickhole then or on the occasions when I kick my lead out from my amp...


  5. I'd hesitate to get rid of by 4x10 for less than somewhere around the 300 mark, but even then the extra 200 would be a struggle to raise until the end of january as all my wages november / december have been / will be eaten by the fucking christmas fairy!

    if it's still going then, I shall most definitely consider it though!


  6. Various displays of disapproval...

    I saw the pic, I laughed, I shared... I love tarantino but hadn't noticed the 'trunk shot' thing 'til I'd seem them all together... it amused me....

    I shall henceforth, however, endeavour to filter my efforts, seperating that which tickles me from that which is likely to tickle others.

    Sincerest Apologies,



    • Upvote 1
  7. I made the step up about a year and a half ago. So much tone!

    Also, 500 bucks is a bit of a steal!

    Yeah the price is amazing, but I don't have even that much.. It could be an SVT pro 8x10 and head for the same price and I still wouldn't have the capital to shell out..



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